Got my MP44 Back; Other notes.

Ok the tally is that:

Spring Guide
The gun runs much better and clocks at 450-460fps (0.2) or 405-415 (0.25). When i was test firing it, the trajectory appears consistent. I’ll know more on sunday.
Barrels 101.
Stock barrels are 6.08mm in diameter. A barrel has a more noticeable increase of accuracy for every 2″ or 50mm increase. For most AEGs the optimum barrel length is 550mm. Beyond that point, the piston stroke backwards, which draws in air will start to affect FPS.
The standard Tight barrel has a diameter of 6.04mm allowance. It increases FPS by 30-50. As an example, if my Stock MP44 is clocking at [email protected], a tight barrel would make it 480-500. My G3 Clocking at [email protected], without the tight barrel would be [email protected]; the my AK clocking at [email protected] would be around 375-395.
The cheapest barrel is the Madbull. Its made of aluminum coated with teflon. Now if you cook, you would know teflon wears over time and this is the complaint the smithy has with this barrel. As with the materials, the barrel is cheap, costing Php1000.
A good tight barrel costs around Php1500-2000 and its typically Systema’s brass barrel. Now, if you’ve read the post about Die-cast, soft-non ferrous metals are Ideal for casting into a precision mold. If you remember your alloys Brass is also great because it has good stress resistance and holds well against corrosion.
The most expensive and highly sought barrel is the Prometheus brand. This japanese manufacturer makes a 6.02mm steel barrel. This is expensive and rare, only a few shops import this and they are the higher end ones, like Philippine Airsoft along Annapolis. Its heavier, which is a good thing, because it can absorb more of the shaking from the receiver.
Long Barrel equals Groups and more predictable flight paths, not necessarily straighter. What you want is that you know where you BB is going relative to your gun sight, straight shooters only happen with real guns.
Cleaning the Barrel. Clean with the Cleaning Rod only before reaching the very end. I just learned that tough tissue paper, ideal for cleaning barrels because it is ideal for cleaning glass, gets snagged and leave debris when hitting the hop-up chamber.
An Aweomse Airsoft 101 on Parts and Mechanics! I got it from this great explanation of what an O-Ring is (Read it, you’d be surprised how cheap it should be). What is an O-Ring?

What are Spring Guides – In Summary it increases FPS.
Why would you change the Cylinder? – In summary it helps in ROF
250 Bushings and Shims – From plastic to brass, needed when upgraded springs. The most expensive kind is
750 Springs – Strangely all springs cost the same. These are for FPS.
1500-1800 – Tight barrel FPS. Length only affects accuracy.
500-700 Service
3500 Basic Upgrades.
2500 Li-poly smart chargers
1500+150 1800mA Lipoly and adaptor
4150 Accessory Upgrades.

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