Month: July 2014
Learning Stuff Categorically
Learning stuff category helps for me. Like the confusing thing for me about Knockdown and Stunning checks. Knock down and…
GURPS Rules that can adhere to the Core System
The core system in GURPS is 3d6 roll below a score, which has modifiers. I sometimes wondered why not just…
When PCs are Leaders and they deal with Kings, Armies, Bureaucracies and States
TL:DR – you still have to do important stuff yourself – you cannot delegate the most important jobs. This becomes…
Wounding Rules
I don’t think I need to site any argument against HP systems, and the cognitive (and assumption) disconnect about it.…
Terrain Evolution
Experimenting some more. These are Gifs of 128×128. They average 10kb. At 256×256 they average 30kb as gif and 90kb…
Movement Rules Matter
One of my little peeves is the Movement rules. I always check the movement rules in various game systems because…
Speculating what would evolve in the next 5 years
I used the Palm Treo extensively, it was my phone for 4 years and I was able to use a…
Roll20 Optimized Combat Mapping
First you have to Roll20 Best Practices Gif is the Smallest, and has some lost detail. Comparing the same file from…
Very Quick Roll20 Tokens for my Warring State Game.
Here is my non-professional work lolz. Hope you can find it useful. Some notes on the scale I use which…
GM Preparation Formats – Ultra Lite
Game Preparation in GURPS is a time consuming process, but hopefully more and more GM notes will be available online…
Warring States Pilot Episode
Characters Thanks to: Zhaoze Zhexue +Steven Donaldson Yi Qin +Filip Vukanovic “Da” Yuan +Dan Mungham Anguo Aiguo +Daniel Tallor Summary The party begins in…
My Notes in Mapmaking with a Note 2 and 10.1
You can, hypothetically, do this in a Note 2 or 8. Of course with a note 2 its going to…
Contemplation on Apple vs Samsung.
Apple’s New iPhone Pitch To Parents Is it possible that the decision makers in Samsung can cross the cultural barrier…
Myth Dispelling – Does it matter when its all abstracted anyway?
There are many videos out that dispell myths in RPGs and bring a lot more detail and understanding into the…