Total Cost of Hobby over Time

I tried to track my expenditure in Airsoft, to keep me honest about how much I am sinking in to the hobby. Surprised how much I’ve spent in the past 5 years. By the metrics I can say that I would have spent about 2700php/$65 per year for maintenance of the gun. I use the gun in about >10 games a year. At $6.5 per use thats about Php270 per use. But I can’t count the value of having a well modified gun where I have intimate familiarity to its capabilities. 

The total cost of ownership I’ve made for sample load outs can be found here. 
Using an AK it costs about 100php or $2 to load a mag of BBs. So every full mag is worth about a canteen meal. A game site is about $3.5 or Php150. All the consumable supplies for prep is about $2 or Php70 (gatorade). 

Game Fee Php150
2 mags a game-day Php140
Gun Depreciation (per gun being used) Php270
Equipment Depreciation 100php
Toll Php100
Consumables for the day Php100

Php ~860 per day. 

I can actually use this no. to work back how much an adventure service should cost per day. This also allows people to make a value judgment if its better to get into the hobby vs renting. 

Airsoft Total Experience ServiceI’ll take sentimental value out of the equation. Allow for being able to return a portion of the money with dissatisfaction, so as to charge php1500.

If it were Historical or Period Dress, the price would bump up a little at probably Php2000 per head. Plus food and lodging for nights and days, Php 1,000 per head and per night. Economies of scale would allow this to be lower, by a small margin. Php3000 per day per head.

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