Work Outs – slowly but surely

The weird thing about my work outs is that I can’t count. I stop or forget to breathe when I concentrate and that is bad for the endurance I need to work out. So I can’t really count well, and because I am concentrating I’ve caught myself skipping/cheating badly.

In the interest of being “fair” I just keep rep until my muscle gives out, and try to assume I’m doing too little.

In the beginning a few slow movements are enough to make my pulse race and my head throbb. I am getting better so my pulse stopped racing… but it has to. So I have to do it faster. So the muscles are developing faster BUT because of that it becomes easier. So it has to have continous resistance and really get in there.

I’m also dieting now. I’m avoiding sugar and coffee. I only take coffee in the morning to help poop 😛 The rest of the day, water or tea. I don’t take softdrinks cause I’m saving up more than exercising.

I’m on a curve where It is easier than last week or the week before to control what I eat. After one big meal for the day I can stand to have smaller meals. Anyway we refilled in instant oatmeal.

Again my focus is core, because genetically (from my dad) we have week backs. I was a pack rat most of my life and used to carrying heavy bags, so I hope to give my bones a chance to get stronger with core training. I’ve also lightened my load, giving my bones a chance to get stronger before any more damage worsens my condition.

My core problem now is sleep, sleeping early and well. My 19mo. old son can’t sleep till we are all ready and in bed. He is a mama’s boy and won’t let me go ahead and make him sleep unless his mom is there. I also need to have my head very much elevated to prevent my mild apnea – if I don’t I wake up out of breath in the middle of the night and wake up extra groggy in the morning. I also have to resist the urge to move around while sleeping and lose position because thats also a main contributor.

I noticed because of my sleeping position and exercise, I need less sleep and have more energy… and My energy limit ends at 7-8 (where I’m already sleepy). So perfect habit to get early… but baby is the core problem which I need to figure out.

Oh yeah, stomach line is shrinking visibly.

List of workouts

  • Knee to Elbow Tuck (typically first because it is the most painful)
  • Burpee
  • Push Ups (or combination of Burpee and Pushup if it doesnt leave me too out of breath)
  • Touch Toe Lunges
  • Sky Scrapers
  • Dumbell Lifts (full range of motion from waiste to upwards reach). 
Next up is Dynamic Stretching. Again all stuff that can be done at home, everyday, and no other materials. 

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