Working with my Limits

History is something I happen to be versed at because I can listen to people tell stories for a very long time. Another aspect that makes me inclined with it is that history can be a list of facts, and I read very slowly. Lists or Bullet Points of events and data points are things I can consume at a decent speed as to keep up with others.

I’m not good with flowery words, sometimes I try. I’m not a Guy Gavriel Kay person now that I’ve actually listened to it vs read it. The words sound great but it was a huge barrier for me when I read it. Not all gamers are people who are good in reading and I’m one of them. I’m not even good at writing and depend on the I-speech chrome app to edit my work.

And I’m pretty cheap and always struggle with a limit of resources and not just money. Attention Overhead, Costs, Time (as family man and employee), Skills and Knowledge that are usable for other things. Adaptable principles and skills to other uses. I’m thrifty when it comes to my time and mental resources – I cant help it, i grew up with much smarter friends who could master so many things I cant and I had to keep pace.

Then there is my curiosity. Its major challenges is the reality of living in a 3rd world. In the Philippines going of to a Nature Reserve has some risks – particularly Socialist or Muslim insurgents. As a prime example of a very capitalist country we have urban sprawl and a lot of pollution. Our difference from first word people have is in cost to access Nature, Stability, Education, and Environment. So worlds of imagination and exploring the world through headlines and research is what allows me to circumvent those many obstacles.

One sad fact is that in my mid thirties time and health is slipping. It takes more effort to keep fit even if I eat far healthier than I ever had, or work out more often than I ever had. That my mind is also slipping, even if I’ve consumed so many lectures and did so much research. I forget so much every day and I have to make strategic calls where my memory and attention goes. Looking in the next 5 years i may play airsoft less and game less.

So I record these moments as much as I can so that even when I forget I know I have them stored there. The pain of knowing I forgot something important and cannot remember is a constant companion and struggle. It colors my world in a way that mortality is more seminal and everything is inter-connected.

TL:DR above. My limitations puts me in a particular position to be inclined in Historical and Exploring the world through Gaming.

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