
  • Pleco scoring is 100 is default, 
    • doubles even correct answer
    • -40% every incorrect answer
    • the score determines how many days till next time the card is up for review. 
    • So a score if 200 is 2 days for next test and 800 is 8 days till next test. 
  • Learned (a score of 200) of HSK1-3 according to my scorefile is 350 words
    • 260 to go
    • that means i’ve been quizzed on it 
    • average learned 4/day of practice or 20 a week. 
  • Familiarization is that its now Up for review. 200 pts.
  • Proficient is >700 points or I got it right 4x straight, that’s getting it right in the in the 2 day review, 4 day review, 8 day reviews, and more.
    • I have over 200 words proficient. 
  • mastery is at 3200^ 14 words. 
  • Year End goal (24 weeks to go) is
    • Proficient is 600 HSK3 level. @20 words  week. 
  • Challenges:
    • How to edit the card’s ABC-CE dictionary entry without ruining the format. When I convert it to customized it ruins the format. 
    • What are the following Grammar Terms
  • I know how to change the dictionary entry default to the 
    • Organize Cards
    • Edit
    • Select Category or Card
    • Batch (this means BATCH EDIT)
    • Remap to Dictionary > Chose ABC C-E which has the grammar notes
    • Remap Now (under the remap to dictionary options)
  • I think I know how to add words to my FOr Review in spaced repetition.
    • Organize Cards
    • Edit
    • Select Category or Card
    • Batch (this means BATCH EDIT)
    • Score > Change Score > change the words you have not covered to 200.
    • OR individual
    • [+]
    • Card Info
    • Statistics
    • Click Scorefile > choose which profile will have this
    • Command > Force add to pool
  • So hellotalk has been very helpful. 
  • Looking for fellow students to study with. Not just chinese speakers but other guys who are studying for HSK3 level and beyond, and currently at HSK 3 level. 
  • Was able to buy Illustrated CHinese Armors from Amazon China for 240Yuan or 1800php or 50usd. 

my he

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