Update The Criteria of Understanding

So I’m going to ask our Lean Six Sigma Mentor to give another Training: The flavor of the Month is now Capacity . 

This were the topics he covered. Note that we are ISO 9001 OSHA 14001 ISO 18000 etc…

  1. Risk Analysis and FMEA May?
  2. Analysis June/July
  3. Problem Solving 8D July
  4. KRA and KPI Nov
  5. Now…. CAPACITY – what is capacity. 
Process Engineering is not a valued skill in the Philippine industry outside of the BIGGEST and most hightech players like BPOs, MDC or MEGA or Japanese Run Manufacturing Plants. I feel like we’re the Savages with stone age tools, and these civilized people can be simply learned from and so much drama and EGO prevents us from just self improvement. 
Its a failure and weakness we do not hold Skill and Knowledge with any value. The terrible sentiment that many people do not See STUDYING, feedback, and monitoring as part of WORK is infuriating at the same time disheartening. I know its because we are distracted, tired, beaten, and in a terrible condition to be able to Study, Learn, and Thrive. I’m very grateful for the Allies, other departments who have competent personnel who have the humility to learn (and have no time to participate in the Posturing). I just wish I DONT NEED TO CONVINCE any key person of the value of studying and “PAPER WORK”. 
So right now the books you see me read is for Familiarization to Understanding. By understanding, I’m able to plan my Questions and Fact Finding. I cannot go into deeper levels of understanding until I have an excuse to practice it. Unless I will use it often its a skill I cannot maintain – thus I need to find it a daily use – even if it takes a little more time than normal. The only thing I can Practice and possibly MASTER is writing, planning, inquiry, and studying. 

The Criteria of Understanding is a simple map of how I expect the Knowledge to manifest – in a SMART way. 

Has a framework for understanding. Able to follow top key models, methods, and principles.
Able to research, ask questions, knows what are the key terms when encountered.
The ability to know when they should be asking questions and taking notes.
Able to effectively communicate to others key concepts and raise them to Familiarity. Able to converse and follow with those Practicing and Mastery.
Able to write reports and analysis. Able to measure and monitor the merits and weaknesses of a given topic.
Able to identify the low hanging fruit/ easy wins that brings to a higher level of understanding.
Dependent Process Owners.
Able to develop methodologies, procedures, guidelines, and track the multi-variable/factor elements of a complex system.
Able to be consistent in practice and results. Able to identify uncertainty and analyze complexity.
Writes Methods, Guidelines, Procedures for others to follow, use.
Able to Track/monitor uncertainty and unknowns.
Consolidates facts against the uncertainties. Maintains 8D and FMEA.
Able to measure development.
Able to Plan, and their planning has measurable results regarding their
Process Owners.
Has a body of knowledge that raises the level of understanding of a group of people.
They have enough procedures to be its own institution. Able to replicate its competency with all key members.
Its knowledge can exist past its founders
Replicates its knowledge and abilities to serve its institution.
Takes on the most complicated projects and problems.
Provides Leadership, Guidance, Stability and Support for the rest of the organization.
Mature Process Owners
I’m an Arts Major who is inheriting a Manufacturing and Construction Company. I have no time to get an MBA as I busy either Studying, Writing (like now), taking care of my health, or Raising my family. Last time I played a game was waiting for the plane in SG when I had 2 hours of sleep and could not mentally function. Every cognitive capacity I have is in work or work related, or family. Last time I got to play with my airsoft team either online or for real is almost a year. I’m min maxing my Studying because I need to level up ASAP. 
We’re much better than a General Contractor, as in Cost of Quality Good. Why would a developer gamble tens of Millions to save 2-5% on the initial cost only to incur 10-20% more cost in the scale of costs. 

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