Managers who do Not Manage: NAGGERS

Why Nagging is not leadership of Management.

  1. If you had to nag, then you know what 8D, DMAIC, Analysis, or Root Cause Analysis. People naturally ACT in their best interest, and their best interest is not to let work complicate and get harder. If people are failing to act to prevent problems – then ASK why you have to nagg and what systems are in place? 
  2. IF you had to nag then you had no system. Nagging X people times Y amount of responsibilities per day is NOT sustainable. HAVE A SYSTEM, STANDARDIZE!!!
  3.  IF you have to nagg then you dont mind creating resentment and aversion to the NAGGING. Naggers don’t care about the people, OMG they say they do, but they don’t. What they care about is the work that builds up for them. 

I was lucky I had some mentorship. I was lucky that I was treated well and that I’m not that much of an Idiot to be assumed I had my own best interests in mind.

One of my favorite Chinese words is 主动 or Initiative. Roughly translated its Owner/Master of Action. To take initiative is to Own the Action.

Lately I’ve been interviewing Applicants and Observing other people when they perform their “Managerial Duties”.  One thing that a Game Master of so many years has taught me is that – people natural Act in their best Interests. They take ownership and action in their self preservation. When work gets clogged up – people dont normally want that to happen.

But workers do not work on the same information as their Heads and Leaders so Nagging and people naturally misinterpreting the Nags would only be natural. The objectives are not clear with Nagging. Nagging is action and not the objective. The action can fail to produce the objectives and 4/5 the objective is clearer for people to ACt on than to Nag them To act.

Strangely leadership is a trait where – someone gave you the benefit of the doubt and developed you – and you have a mindset to give that back. It makes you more about active listening, diligence (which means actively trying to understand before committing to a course of action),  and problem solving with social and communication tools.

Take Away. How to tell a NAGGER from a Leader.

  1. ASk for the Systems
  2. Ask for their Problems, and what have they done
  3. ASk for what Ownership they Take in a situation. Ask the person WHAT THEY OWN, what is their DUTY. I notice many of these people are not aware of their duties and are not burdened with their conscience in many matters. THey have a language for the “BUZZ words” like compassion and client focus etc… but they lack the Empathy and the Dilligence and you see it in their absence of a system, secretive nature (which is different from discretion when they just use “Just because” as an excuse), and…
  4.  their in ability to be consistent over time. we’re all inconsistent, the level of awareness and management of our inconsistencies is what is missing with bad leaders. 

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