Mindfulness and Work

I’m in lecture 5 of 24 Lectures of the Science of Mindfulness. I’ve been listening to so many work-related studies I’ve beat my Good Reads Record of 11 books to 23.

December 3, 2019 –  20.0% “I’ve been suffering a headache trying to make sense of Mindfulness and its Conflicting with my Goal-oriented and Obsessive Behavior. How do we make sense of Wanting and not-Wanting? Seeking a Goal and Not Seeking a goal. It was giving me a headache last week, and It gives me a headache still thinking about it. Reall mental pain as my Obsessive behavior is trying to understand what balance I’m supposed to have.”
Having a Goal, when I’m not supposed to be Emotionally Invested in the goal, is what’s making my head hurt, just thinking about it. The lecture is telling me it’s going to get harder before it is going to get better, and I hope that True. 
How this relates to work well, I am facing a lot of uncertainty and conflict with work. 
Here is an example: 
We have a potential client. A Furniture Manufacturer who specializes in Plastics and we are very suitable in helping them make the system they would want – IF they believe they should follow TPS, LEAN, or TOC. 
Now among the mental scenarios that went to my head, one painful mental scene is asking – if I understand these concepts very well – Why haven’t I ever applied it to our own Company? 
This is where anything I say is an Excuse, but at the same time, its the reality, a reality we have to work with. 

Yesterday and the Past few days I’ve not been Multi-tasking Audio books and Chores. Especially since the Audio book I’m listening too – Science of Mindfulness is giving me a headache. 

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