PMBOK definitions EV and PV.

Check these two definitions (PMBOK)
1) The authorized budget assigned to scheduled work.
2) The measure of work performed expressed in terms of the budget authorized for that work.

Its so fucking bland and unhelpful. It doesn’t create a distinct and tangible memory.
If I didn’t have E. Goldrat’s and Game Theory Definitions of Opportunity Cost of a Problem (like BATNA) Planned Value would never make sense to ME.

That Planned Value in PMBOK = Opportunity cost of the Problem – because the company is better off having control of the Costs they would have otherwise lost than no control over the costs they would lose. PV = EV (which is Cost of the Work + Cost of the Risks) + Difference between the EV and the Opportunity Cost to the Company.

Every time I look at these two terribly bland definitions and get tested on them it creates an “Interference” effect in my Anki Deck. Anki flags the card as a “Leech” as it disrupts the ability of the brain to form memory by how ambiguous it is.

In this Time where the company will have loan extensions and various other losses, being able to measure the Problem is important to be able to Authorize resources for it.

Reviewing the Server Costs in millions I have to do the LONG logical chain of how an ERP’s access to data makes better decisions and saves/makes money. It feels like Game System design and World Building – abstract concepts with a tenuous relationship with reality because it’s far down the cause of effect chain. When causes exceed the 5Y analysis and create complicated Branching “Whys”.
Roll SAN lolz. “For want of a Nail”

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