Hobby Pursuits to Learn Work Stuff

I have to play with the Infinite Blue Platform and Cloud Sigma. So we are the partner in NZ, we have an office there, and they represent the East and South East Asia Region. We are also a Partner of Cloud Sigma. Here are the fun projects I need to learn to use the various technologies. 

I need to learn to learn how to use the system, and I want to use it for a Hobby of mine: which is Game Master Tools. 
I need to learn to set up
Infinite Blue (A low Code platform that allows me to create workflows)
  • Game System Module. 
    • Home Brew Module.
    • Color Coding Homebrew Rules referencing Reasons and Original Rules. 
  • Character Generation.
  • Procedural Systems
    • Character Generation
    • NPC Generation. 
    • Procedural  
      • Sub Sector Generator
      • Star System Generation.
      • Planet Generator. 
    • Vehicle Builder
    • Ship Builder
    • Organization Generator
Cloud Sigma is an Infra as a Service Platform. I need to know the interface and learn to deploy the following servers clusters and systems. I need to learn to use Alibaba as well (I have some credits). 
  • Wikipedia. for Wikis. 
  • Infinite Blue. 
  • Minecraft Servers. 
  • Insurgency Servers. 

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