Traveller 20,000Dton Carrier

This 20k Carrier includes its fighter, based on the Terran fighter. This is designed mostly from ISW RAW. The only differences is in the ranks of the Fighter Pilots. The Terran light fighter has been modified to have an additional crewman and missile racks at the expense of sensor range. Note that this ship is 1/3 the cost of a battle ship (including the cost of the fighters), can launch and control as much as 264 missiles and 160 more from the fighters (able to overcome 4 repulsor arrays, as well as handing off these missiles to forward deployed screening fighters), and can have as much as 132 point defense lasers (as far as range 6!) and 160 more from screening fighters.

20,000 Dton Carrier (Mythic Class)

Tech Level: 10

Hull: 20,000-dton Streamlined Needle/Wedge Hull, dDR 240 armor

Systems: 600 Maneuver Drive, 600 Jump Drive, 4000 Fuel Tanks, 50 Fuel Processor (160 dtons/hour, 25 hours to fill), Command Bridge and Standard Bridge, Model-9 Sensors (Scan-24), 66 Heavy Turrets (2 Pulse Lasers, and 4 Missile Racks each), 8 Launch Tubes (can launch up to 20Dton, can launch all 80 fighters in 1 turn), Hangar (80 light fighters and 20 20Dton Crafts), 671 Fusion Power, 235 Staterooms, 30 Low Berths, 2 Workshop, 6 Sickbay, 600 Cargo.

Statistics: EMass 82,340 tons, LMass 111,730 tons, Cost M$11,840, SM +12, ASig +6, Hull dHP 200, Life Support 530, sAccel 1.0G, Jump-2 (2 parsec range), Top Air Speed 740 mph.

Crew: Command Section (8 officers, 4 petty, 3 crewmen), Engineering Section (9 officers, 19 petty, 65 crewmen), Flight Section (1 officer, 3 petty, 6 crewmen), Flight Crew (200 petty officers), Passenger Service Section (1 crewman), Cargo Service (1 officer, 1 crewman), Ship Troops (4 officers, 8 petty, 47 marines), Medical Section (2 officers, 4 petty officers, 6 crewmen), General Services (1 officer, 2 petty, 8 crewmen). Total 29 officers, 247 petty officer, 158 crewmen.

Passengers: 4 First-Class.

Recommended Naming Convention: Fantasy Monsters and Beings – Warlock, Witcher, Gorgon, Hydra, etc.

10Dton Light Missile and Beam Fighter

Tech Level: 10

Hull: 10-dton Airframe Needle/Wedge hull, dDR 16 armor, Stealth

Systems: 2.5 Maneuver Drive, Large Cockpit, Model-0 Sensors (Scan-14), 2 Missile Racks, 2 Pulse Lasers, 4 Fusion Power.

Statistics: EMass 85 tons, LMass 90 tons, Cost M$24, SM +6, ASig +0, Hull dHP 20, No Life Support, sAccel 5.5.0G, Top Air Speed 4,400 mph.

Crew: Command Section (2 Officer). Total 2 petty officers*.

* on the ship their quarters space allocations counts as a petty officer instead of an officer.

5,000 Dton Cruiser

Tech Level: 10

Hull: 5,000-dton Streamlined Needle/Wedge Hull, dDR 240 armor

Systems: 900 Maneuver Drive, 150 Jump Drive, 1000 Fuel Tanks, 25 Fuel Processor (80 dtons/hour, 12 hours to fill), Command Bridge, Model-9 Sensors (Scan-24), 26 Heavy Turrets (2 Pulse Lasers, and 4 Missile Racks each), Hangar (5 30-Dton Vessels), 6 Launch Tubes, 980 Fusion Power, 115 Staterooms, 10 Low Berths, 2 Workshop, 2 Sickbay, 175 Cargo.

Statistics: EMass 38,900 tons, LMass 45,600 tons, Cost M$6,025, SM +11, ASig +5, Hull dHP 160, Life Support 250, sAccel 4.0G, Jump-2 (4 parsec range), Top Air Speed 740 mph.

Crew: Command Section (5 officers, 3 petty, 2 crewmen), Engineering Section (10 officers, 21 petty, 73 crewmen), Flight Section (1 officer), Flight Crew (1 crewman), Passenger Service Section (1 crewman), Cargo Service (1 crewman), Ship Troops (1 officers, 2 petty, 12 marines), Medical Section (1 officers, 2 petty officers, 3 crewmen), General Services (1 officer, 1 petty, 3 crewmen). Total 19 officers, 72 petty officer, 104 crewmen.

Passengers: 3 First-Class, 8 standard.

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