Random Disadvantages installments

Here are some random disadvantages to be rolled up. This is founded on my basic 7 GURPS defined common human disadvantages. Each of the 7 aspects are rolled up, to create some variety and challenge for the role-player. Its easy to modify the frequencies and odds of some disadvantage depending on what you believe should be more or less common.

This is part 1 of 2 parts of rolling disadvantages for some character randomization tables I’m making. There is second roll for other disadvantages typically: mental or involuntary psychological, behavioral, social, and physical disadvantages. Because of the Self-control roll and variable disadvantage costs, this will take a week or two to fix up.

It won’t even be that good after, working to closely with something makes certain mistakes harder to catch, so even if I do finish it, I will have to wait for a couple of weeks before I can look at it again without feeling it was too much work.

This can be used in other games, if you want to roll up the character’s general personality but it requires references to what the GURPS disads mean and going beyond the game definition (which i tend to do).


Roll for random disadvantages. First roll for Duty, Sense of Duty, Code of Honor, Discipline of Faith, Honesty, and Pacifism.


Duty represents responsibilities. The parenthesis represents the frequency, assume, 3000 at 15, 2000 hours of work at 12, 1500 at 9, and 1000 at 6 a year. Quite simply, a duty means a Job that allows the character to support his lifestyle.

Jobs are never as they are defined. Many times there is more work than initially expected. The bottom line is to do what has to be done to get it right. Two people with different circumstances, but the same job can have varying responsibilities, many implied and indirect.

Roll 3d

3-5 None

6-7 Roll 1d

  • 1-4 Non-hazardous (6)

  • 5-6 Hazardous (9)

8-11 Roll 1d

  • 1-2 Non-hazardous (12)

  • 3-4 Hazardous (9)

  • 5-6 Extremely Hazardous (6)

12-14 Roll 1d

  • 1-2 Non-hazardous (15)

  • 3-4 Hazardous (12)

  • 5-6 Extremely Hazardous (9)

15-16 Roll 1d

  • 1-4 Hazardous (15)

  • 5-6 Extremely Hazardous (12)

17-18 Extreme Hazardous (15)

Sense of Duty.

Sense of Duty represents social bonds the characters prioritizes. Typically characters have a strong connection to a “family-like” group. This family fill various roles as companions/ peers/ siblings, authority/ father-figure, care-giver/ mother-figure, partners/ spouses, and dependents/ offspring.

Roll 3d

3-5 None

6-8 Individual

9-13 Small group or “Family”

14-15 Large group

16-17 Nation

18 “Humanity”

Code of Honor.

A character’s personal moral beliefs can be found within their code of honor. Essentially, it is a set of behavior practiced with the intent to further one believes to be good. Code of Honor defaults to be non-religious in nature, treat religious disciplines as an “add-on” to Code of Honor.

The severity of Code of Honor is how much it is valued compared to the person’s safety and survival. A soldier, whose life is at a hands of an authority, has a serious code of honor. A chivalric knight or a religious devotee has an extreme code of honor. Values like Social Bonds, Religious Faith, Respect for Authority/Order is rooted in the character’s personal code.

Roll 3d

3-6 No Code of Honor

7-8 Quirk

9-12 Code of Honor (Professional)

13-15 Code of Honor (Serious)

16+ Code of Honor (Extreme)

Discipline of Faith.

This is the presence, absence and intensity of a character’s religious belief. Stricter disciplines of faith, impose greater restrictions over a character. Look to the character’s Code of Honor as to the intensity he carries these beliefs.

Roll 3d (Typically Secular Society)

3-6 Discipline of Faith (Monastic)

7-8 Discipline of Faith (Ritual Observation)

9-10 Mild Discipline of Faith

11+ None


This represents the character’s attitude towards those of Authority. Many factors play into this perception, particularly regarding legitimacy, credibility and their personal moral beliefs. Characters who have a greater measure of honesty, try to enforce on themselves a stricter discipline. Since nothing is without consequence, this measures the character’s law-abiding track record so far.

Roll 3d

3-6 None

7-11 Honesty (15)

12-13 Honesty (12)

14-16 Honesty (9)

17+ Honesty (6)


General Humanity of the Character. Pacifism extends farther than just killing, as it applies generally to harm. There are exceptions, to protection and value of life and this is defined by the kind of pacifism.

Roll 3d

3-5 None

6-8 Reluctant killer

9-13 Cannot Harm innocents

14-15 Self defense Only

16-17 Cannot Kill

18 Total Non-Violence


Roll for the odds that the character has a typical intolerance to what his society generally finds acceptable. Rarely are people are able to tolerate everyone completely. There are highly intolerable people that can easily be defined as a group.

Roll 1d

1 General Intolerance

2-5 Towards natural cultural bias

6 None

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