99% Chance and the role of Skills.

After thinking a lot about life with the lense of Survivorship Bias  I had to consolidate and work on the details of believing in two opposing views: The role of Chance and the Role of skill. How can one believe in the weight of Chance and still believe in developing one’s skills. Why can’t we just give up and just Roll the dice all the time when skills play such a small role in the scheme of things. 
I had this Dilemma because my mom gave me this Problem, who can say no to the Client. This is a frightening and terrible world and to expect kindness is foolish. Kindness is just a strange and rare astrological event that we see in some rare nights when we look up in the sky… no it isnt. Kindness is what we choose to make of our world despite the odds and likelihood it will abused and seen as weakness. When a freerider or loophole finder will abuse kindness – we choose to be kind when we can. 
Seriously our company has that Dillemma of not being able to say now and being bullied by the client – so does the Sales and Design say. If you are skeptical about that claim then you are as skeptical of that claim that we will entertain any opportunity even if that Opportunity is a LONG SHOT. That all Opportunities should be treated the same. 
Whats this got to do with Chance? Well it represents the FUNDAMENTAL failure to understand chance and probability. Thus failure to learn how to PREDICT and failure to undertand the scientific process of evidence, theory and prediction. 
Also you will find such an argument Generally true, that the world is a CRUEL place, but we still find Kindness and Human Compassion in it. When two things are True and Contradictory we always look at the Details that Enlighten us of the Exception and Nuances. 
The answer to How do possess and accept to conflicting views – is by understanding the exceptions and details of these conflicting views. That CHANCE may give us an opportunity but SKILL closes the deal, or Skill gives us opportunities and chance works to our favor statistically in the long run. 
IF you had a Chance to rest and recover, how would you spend it? Would you throw it away or would you build on your skills and knowledge every chance you get? (I think I have a logical failing in this paragraph, but appeals to the emotion of the circumstance). 
There is an Underlying Nihilism in my sanity, that to die is an end of suffering and the inability to morn the suffering of loved ones. That I may end and I tried to create less suffering in the world with what Chance and opportunity I have. 
As to my Mom’s dillemma about the problems facing the company, I will fix that problem but I will fix it with skill. I won’t panic, Quality at the Source even if everything falls apart before I can fix it then as much as Chance gave our family our wealth it will be taken away by chance (my grandmother and my mother’s mom keeps telling me).  Because of my Hepa B (maintenance medicine that can’t be afforded by the average filipino) and my other Maintenance requirements I’m pretty much accept that I may come to help too late and it will all be over. But if Chance ever gives me a break, I will build knowledge and fix things – thats pretty much how I think when work, family, health, etc… gets in the way of studies and training.  
Trying out recording in a long car ride. It abruptly stops. 

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