Unloading a Headache – My Software AI Notes from UT

This is the notes I’ve compiled. Basically I found
it a head ache to reference Transhuman Space, Transhuman Space:
Changing Times, Ultra Tech, Bio-Tech and Basic Set so instead I built templates
from scratch only using UT and Basic Set and of course This. You will see why this is a massive head ache. This will
be part of the Sample Characters I’m creating for the Instant Crew.
their Equipment is SMART so I ended up dealing with this kind of
detail. Once all the notes are done and consolidated I can draw from
this in the future. 
Mostly Taken from UT27-28 and trying to keep it within Basic and UT so that its easy, compared to having it in 5 different sources. I have all this in one statement sized Doc I will share once’ i finish most of the work consolidating and simplifying and prepping materials for such a game and having extrapolations based on what the technology will do to the Sci-Fi economy.  

Use these AI’s as benchmarks to see how much an AI is going to cost. Example, a poor TL10 War Academy AI would probably x3.3 as much as the SHIP AI but specialized in churning out military personnel.   
AI customization notes

  • You cannot buy-off the packages and these packages are considered the default per AI. So you cannot get a NVAI and buy off Automaton. The points in these Templates dont count towards the cost of the software (it is as though your starting with CF1). Additional points to raise ability scores from the default packages
  • IQ and DX is capped to +2 total increase from base (dependent on
    Complexity). Additional improvements to DX have to come from the
    body (which adds to the DX as .
  • Will and Per are capped to +2 from the adjusted IQ base.
  • HT is only for the AI Software and does not apply to the physical

*Why the caps – because I can make an IQ20 (+1CF per +1IQ) software in a Complexity-6 software and it breaks the system. So  $300 Software AI is now $4600 ish but with IQ 20! 
Common Customized Powers
  • Possession (Digital,-40%; Mind-link Required -40%) [20] (B75)
    typical of AI that control of
  • Compartmentalized Mind [50] (B43) Microframes
  • Mind Reading (Cybernetics Only, -50%; Telecommunication, -20%;
    Sensory, +20%) (B69) [15] (B68-69) typical of Intrusion AI
  • Mind Probe (Cybernetics Only, -50%; Telecommunication, -20%;
    Sensory, +20%) (B69) [10] (B69) typical of Intrusion AI


A Sentient but often
Non-Sapient AI. Basically a Smart Tool and used for a Smart Tool.
Note that this AI cannot have an IQ greater than 6.
Drone AI Metatrait
  • AI [32] (B263)
  • Automaton [-85] (B263)
  • Cannot Learn [-30] (B125)
  • Short Lifespan 4 [-40]
  • Feature: Fixed IQ

Weak Dedicated AI

more sophisticated “Smart Tool”, but unable to
learn on its own and perceive layers of context and nuance
(Cannot Learn). This is made up of the mentality traits in B263 AI,
Automaton with Cannot Learn and as an AI gets really buggy and
outdated quickly (Short Life Span). The only way it would learn if it
was “reprogrammed” with new input.
Jobs and WDAI.
WDAI are the best tools, they are incredibly easy to use. As smart
tools, one does not need the proper skill to use them, WDAI can
simply follow instruction and work based on their inherent IQ and the
skills they may possess.
Example-1. TL10 Fast
Tiny Computer (Complexity 6) used on a Life Suit can have an IQ 12
and various skills like electronics repair etc… the AI will
coordinate and control repair swarms or the techbots when repairing
itself. It will adjust itself as quickly and skillfully
settings for an unskilled user, going as far as being able to detect
comfort levels. Its Intelligence allows it to optimize performance
and re-allocate resources to best suit its tasks.
Example-2. TL10 WDAI
and Microframe (Complexity 8) can have an IQ of 16 and can do amazing
things if the software allows for it, like self-diagnosis (diagnosis
and treating oneself suffers many penalties), etc… its
disadvantages are offset by its very high IQ (-3 from Automaton
etc…) but it cannot Learn and over time while used it will degrade
and have errors.
Weak Dedicated AI Metatrait.

  • AI [32] (B263)
  • Automaton [-85] (B263)
  • Cannot Learn [-30] (B125)
  • Short Lifespan 4 [-40] (B154)
  • Robot Laws Hard Wired Programming
    [-54] (except for WDAI for
    • Pacifism (Self Defense only) [-15]; Code of Honor (3 Laws of
      Robotics) [-15]; Sense of Duty (Master/Owner) [-2]; Dependent
      (Master) [-2]; Duty, Very Hazardous (Always) [-20].

Non-Volitional AI

Self Aware and Sapient,
but burdened by the extra processing and complexity of this. Unlike
Weak Dedicated AI, NVAI can learn and even evolve to be Volitional AI
(buy more sophisticated programming see UT29 software customization
rules) and Sophont but after overcoming many challenges. Social
bacground and NVAI
. NVAI have a social background and default
Jobs and NVAI.
NVAI needs far less supervision than WDAI, its ability to learn means
it can adapt to situations and subtleties in context. GM can allow
them to take over non-critical tasks like serve as low-sklled labor.
NVAI Customization
. The program does degrade over time, older models are
valued only if they survived to correct themselves and over time
become Volitional AI or they have acquired many bugs in the course of
their human lengthen lifespan see B154. Older NVAI would have bought
off some of the Automaton Disadvantages and taken Longevity (B66) or
Extended Lifespan (B53),
Non-Volitional AI Mentality
  • AI [32] (B263)
  • Automaton [-85] (B263)
  • Robot Laws Hard Wired Programming
    • Pacifism (Self Defense only) [-15]; Code of Honor (3 Laws of
      Robotics) [-15]; Sense of Duty (Master/Owner) [-2]; Dependent
      (Master) [-2]; Duty, Very Hazardous (Always) [-20].

Volitional AI

and has an advantage from various optimized processes from an evolved
brain, with its random baggage. The GM should encourage players to
give Quirks to their Software AI.
Social bacground
and VAI
. NVAI have a social background and default languages.
VAI and Jobs
– If they meet the skills requirement they are as-good as other
Sophonts. Such AI makes base-line
and unaugmented humans obsolete. Still they are limited by their
hardware, the economy, state/laws, and the majority of organic
population that hold the power.

Volitional AI Mentality
  • AI [32] (B263)
  • Robot Laws Hard Wired Programming
    • Pacifism (Self Defense only) [-15]; Code of Honor (3 Laws of
      Robotics) [-15]; Sense of Duty (Master/Owner) [-2]; Dependent
      (Master) [-2]; Duty, Very Hazardous (Always) [-20].
  • Features:
Mind Emulation
Cyborg Brain – More sophisticated Intrusion is
needed to

How these are supposed to work: 

These are AI templates based on the
rules how to customize an AI Software in the Purchasing Machines: AI
Software UT29 and all the rules in UT and Basic Set: Characters. This
is purely Software so you can apply it on a computer that can be
small enough for a Computer Implant (Implanted Digital Mind) UT217 or
serve as a Robot or Android Brain. 
Note that The Accessory Perk note on
the android Limits the Size of the computer you can use on a robot.
Combat Android and a Warbot can have a Microframe while an Android
can only have a Medium/Personal Computer. Some conflicts in the rules
which can be handwaved (like that only robots that can have enough
space for a Microframe allowed to house a Cyberbrain, lifesupport and
nervous system. Handwave!)
Color Coded so that its easier to remember which template I’m looking at. 


265 points / $14,250 (Cost Factor 14.25)
  • TL10
    Complexity-7 (Volitional AI IQ10) $1,000 base cost (UT25)
  • Volitional
    AI (AI) (UT28; B263);
  • AI
    Customizations Notes (UT29) (Cost Factor 7.5; 130 points)
    • Attributes
      120]: ST0[0]; DX12 [40]; IQ10 [40]; HT14 [40]
    • Secondary
      Characteristics [
      20]: Per12 [0]; Will 12 [0]
    • Advantages
      40]: AI (Part of VAI UT28) [0]; Servant
      Talent (10 points/level; Administration, Accounting, Cooking,
      Housekeeping, Savoir Fair (Servant), Packing, Search, Electronic
      Operation (household devices), Eletronics Repair (household
      devices); Mechanic (Household), Current Events, Expertise
      (Fashion), +4 reaction bonus to Masters or
    • Disadvantages [-0]: Pacifism (Self
      Defense only) [-15]; Code of Honor (3 Laws of Robotics) [-15];
      Sense of Duty (Master/Owner) [-2]; Dependent (Master) [-2]; Duty,
      Very Hazardous (Always) [-20]
    • Social Background [5]

      • Cultural Familiarty (3rd Imperium) [0]

      • Language (Anglic>Riftian;
        Speak/Comprehend; Fluent; Native) [0]

      • Language (Anglic; Read/Write; Fluent;
        Native) [0]

      • Language (Anglic>Core; Speak/Comprehend;
        Fluent;) [1]

      • Language (Anglic>Rim; Speak/Comprehend;
        Fluent;) [1]

      • Language (Anglic>Vilani;
        Speak/Comprehend; Fluent;) [1]

      • Language (Anglic>Transform;
        Speak/Comprehend; Fluent;) [1]

      • Language (Anglic>High; Speak/Comprehend;
        Fluent;) [1]
    • Skills, Perks, Techniques [32]:

      • Accounting
        (A) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Servant Talent)

      • Administration (A) IQ+1 [4]-15
        (+4 Servant Talent)

      • Body Language (A) Per [2]-12

      • Computer Operation (E) IQ+2 [4]-12

      • Cooking (E) IQ+2 [4]-16
        (+4 Servant Talent)

      • Current
        Events (Headlines) (E) IQ+2 [4]-16
        (+4 Servant Talent)

      • Current
        Events (People) (E) IQ+2 [4]-16
        (+4 Servant Talent)

      • Diplomacy (A) IQ [4]-10

      • Electronics
        Operation (Household) (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Servant Talent)

      • Electronics Repair (Household) (A) IQ+1
        [4]-15 (+4 Servant Talent)

      • Housekeeping (E) IQ+2 [4]-16
        (+4 Servant Talent)

      • Mechanic (Household Electronics) (A) IQ+1
        [4]-15 (+4 Servant Talent)

      • Observation (A) Per [2]-12

      • Packing
        (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4
        Servant Talent)

      • Research (A) IQ [2]-10

      • Savoir-Faire (Servant) (E) IQ [4]-16 (+4
        Servant Talent)

      • Search (A) Per [2]-16
        (+4 Servant Talent)

      • Writing (A) IQ [2]-10

      • Plus 18

  • Upgrading this Software for Complexity 8 will
    x3 its price. Increase the IQ by 2 and all the skills related to it
    OR it instead gains

  • Upgrading this Software for Complexity 9 will
    x10 its price and Increase the IQ by 4 and all the skills related to

  • If the software has the capability to Have
    Compartmentalized Minds add +1CF for every Compartmentalized Mind

  • If the software has the capability to Possess
    puppets add +2.5CF.

  • Typically when using a Microframe Complexity 8
    computer, two instances of the program is running one Complexity 8
    version and about 10 complexity 7 versions which allow. All of which
    can possess puppets,
455 points
/ $23,750 (CF 19.75)
  • TL10 Complexity-7
    (IQ10) $1,000 base cost (UT25)
  • Volitional AI
    (AI) (UT28; B263);
  • AI Customizations
    Notes (UT29) (Cost Factor 7.5; 130 points)
    • Attributes
      120]: DX12 [40]; IQ10 [40]; HT14 [40]
    • Secondary
      Characteristics [
      20]: Per12 [10]; Will 12 [10]
    • Advantages
      70]: AI [0]; Language Talent [10]; Cultural
      Adaptability [20]; Sage Talent +4
      to Teaching, Mathematics,
      Expert Skill, History, Law, Literature, Philosophy, Research,
      Economics, Spacer,
      Finance, Market Analysis.
      Reaction Bonus: Scholars, students, and people who consult you.
    • Disadvantages [-0]: 3-Laws of Robotics [0].
    • Social Background [25]

      • Cultural Familiarty (3rd Imperium) [0]

      • Language (Anglic>Riftian; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent; Native) [0]

      • Language (Anglic; Read/Write; Fluent; Native) [0]

      • Language (Anglic>Core; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent;) [1]

      • Language (Anglic>Rim; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent;) [1]

      • Language (Anglic>Vilani; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent;) [1]

      • Language (Anglic>Transform; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent;) [1]

      • Language (Anglic>High; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent;) [1]

      • Language (Darrian; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent) [2]

      • Language (Darrian; Read/Write; Fluent) [2]

      • Language (Vargr; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent) [2]

      • Language (Vargr; Read/Write; Fluent) [2]

      • Language (Zhodani; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent) [2]

      • Language (Zhodani; Read/Write; Fluent) [2]

      • Language (Aslan; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent) [2]

      • Language (Aslan; Read/Write; Fluent) [2]

      • Language (Genoee; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent) [2]

      • Language (Genoee; Read/Write; Fluent) [2]
    • Skills, Perks, Techniques [85]:

      • Accounting
        (A) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Servant Talent)

      • Administration (A) IQ+1 [4]-15
        (+4 Servant Talent)

      • Body Language (A) Per [2]-12

      • Computer Operation (E) IQ+2 [4]-12

      • Cooking (E) IQ+2 [4]-16
        (+4 Servant Talent)

      • Current
        Events (Headlines) (E) IQ+2 [4]-16
        (+4 Servant Talent)

      • Current
        Events (People) (E) IQ+2 [4]-16
        (+4 Servant Talent)

      • Diplomacy (A) IQ [4]-10

      • Electronics
        Operation (Household) (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Servant Talent)

      • Electronics Repair (Household) (A) IQ+1
        [4]-15 (+4 Servant Talent)

      • Housekeeping (E) IQ+2 [4]-16
        (+4 Servant Talent)

      • Mechanic (Household Electronics) (A) IQ+1
        [4]-15 (+4 Servant Talent)

      • Observation (A) Per [2]-12

      • Packing
        (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4
        Servant Talent)

      • Savoir-Faire
        (Servant) (E) IQ [4]-16
        (+4 Servant Talent)

      • Search (A) Per [2]-16
        (+4 Servant Talent)

      • Research (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Sage)

      • Writing (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Sage)

      • Teaching (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Sage)

      • Expertise (Zhodani) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)

      • Expertise (Vargr) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)

      • Expertise (Darrians) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)

      • Expertise (Genoee) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)

      • Expertise (Aslan) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)

      • History (3rd Imperium) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)

      • History (Imperial Dynasties) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)

      • History (Long Night) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)

      • History (Reign of Man/Second
        Imperium) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)

      • History (First Imperium) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)

      • History (Terran) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)

      • History (Vilani) (H) IQ [4]-14
        (+4 Sage)

      • Literature (Greatest Works) (H)
        IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)

      • Philosophy (General)
        (H) IQ [4]-14
        (+4 Sage)

      • Math (Applied)
        (H) IQ [4]-14
        (+4 Sage)

      • Law (Business) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4

      • Law (Criminal) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)

      • Law (Military) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)

      • Merchant (A) IQ [2]-10

      • Economics (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)

      • Finance (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)

      • Market Analysis (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)

      • 22 points for more skills

  • Upgrading this Software for Complexity 8 will
    x3 its price. Increase the IQ by 2 and all the skills related to it
    OR it instead gains

  • Upgrading this Software for Complexity 9 will
    x10 its price and Increase the IQ by 4 and all the skills related to

  • If the software has the capability to Have
    Compartmentalized Minds add +1CF for every Compartmentalized Mind

  • If the software has the capability to Possess
    puppets add +2.5CF.

  • Typically when using a Microframe Complexity 8
    computer, two instances of the program is running one Complexity 8
    version and about 10 complexity 7 versions which allow. All of which
    can possess puppets.

405 points / $21,250
  • TL10
    Complexity-7 (IQ10) $1,000 base cost (UT25)
  • Volitional
    AI (AI) (UT28; B263);
  • AI
    Customizations Notes (UT29) (Cost Factor 7.5; 130 points)
    • Attributes
      120]: DX12 [40]; IQ10 [40]; HT14 [40]
    • Secondary
      Characteristics [
      20]: Per12 [10]; Will 12 [10]
    • Advantages
      80]: AI [0]; Natural
      Copper (10 points/level; Body Language, Criminology, Detect Lies,
      Electronics Operations (Surveillance and Security), Interrogation,
      Observation, Savoir-Faire (Police), Traps, Shadowing, and
      Streetwise. Reaction Bonus: Policemen and private investigators.
      Alternative Benefit: +1/level to casual Per rolls to notice clues
      when no skill would apply, and to all rolls to use Intuition (p.
      B63).); Servant
      Talent (10 points/level; Administration, Accounting, Cooking,
      Housekeeping, Savoir Fair (Servant), Packing, Search, Electronic
      Operation (household devices), Eletronics Repair (household
      devices); Mechanic (Household), Current Events, Expertise
      (Fashion), +4 reaction bonus to Masters or
    • Disadvantages [0]: Pacifism (Self
      Defense only) [-15]; Code of Honor (3 Laws of Robotics) [-15];
      Sense of Duty (Master/Owner) [-2]; Dependent (Master) [-2]
    • Skills, Perks, Techniques [180]:

      • Accounting
        (A) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Servant Talent)

      • Administration (A) IQ+1 [4]-15
        (+4 Servant Talent)

      • Computer Operation (E) IQ+2 [4]-12

      • Cooking (E) IQ+2 [4]-16
        (+4 Servant Talent)

      • Current
        Events (Headlines) (E) IQ+2 [4]-16
        (+4 Servant Talent)

      • Current
        Events (People) (E) IQ+2 [4]-16
        (+4 Servant Talent)

      • Diplomacy (A) IQ [4]-10

      • Electronics
        Operation (Household) (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Servant Talent)

      • Electronics Repair (Household) (A) IQ+1
        [4]-15 (+4 Servant Talent)

      • Housekeeping (E) IQ+2 [4]-16
        (+4 Servant Talent)

      • Mechanic (Household Electronics) (A) IQ+1
        [4]-15 (+4 Servant Talent)

      • Packing
        (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4
        Servant Talent)

      • Savoir-Faire
        (Servant) (E) IQ [4]-16
        (+4 Servant Talent)

      • Search (A) Per [2]-16
        (+4 Servant Talent)

      • Research (A) IQ+1 [4]-11

      • Writing (A) IQ+1 [4]-11


      • Body Language (A) Per+1 [4]-17 (+4 Talent)

      • Criminology (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Talent)

      • Detect Lies (H) Per [4]-16 (+4 Talent)

      • Electronics Operation (Surveilance) (A) IQ+1
        [4]-15 (+4 Talent)

      • Electronics Operation (Security) (A) IQ+1
        [4]-15 (+4 Talent)

      • Interrogation (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Talent)

      • Observation (H) Per [4]-16 (+4 Talent)

      • Savoir-Faire (Police) (E) IQ [1]-14 (+4

      • Traps (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Talent)

      • Shadowing (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Talent)

      • Streetwise (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Talent)


      • Acrobatics (H) DX-1 [2]-12

        • Evade (A) Acrobatics+5 [5]-17

      • Axe/Mace (A) DX [2]-13

      • Guns
        (Ballistic Pistol) (E) DX [1]-12

      • Guns (Ballistic Rife) (E) DX [1]-12

      • Guns (Ballistic SMG) (E) DX [1]-12

      • Guns (Ballistic Shotgun) (E) DX [1]-12

      • Computer Operation (E) IQ [1]-12

      • Karate (H) DX [4]-13

        • Kicking (H) Karate [3]-13

      • Judo (H) DX [4]-13

        • Arm-Lock (A) Judo+4 [4]-17

        • Ground Fighting (H) Judo [5]-13

      • Shield (E) DX+2 [4]-15

        • Shield Wall Training Per [1]

      • Shortsword (A) DX [2]-13

      • Spear (A) DX [2]-13


      • Climbing (A) DX [2]-12

      • Freefall (E) HT [1]-12

      • Jumping (E) DX [1]-13

      • Running (A) HT-1 [1]-13

      • Drive (Ground Car) (A) DX-1 [1]-12

      • Pilot
        (Aircar) (A) DX-1 [1]-12

      • Powered Suit (A) DX-1 [1]-11

      • Spacer (E) IQ [1]-10
      •  23 points for other
Complexity-8 SHIP VAI

1145 points / $174,750 (CF 58.25)
  • TL10
    Complexity-8 (IQ12) $3,000 base cost (UT25)
  • Volitional
    AI (AI) (UT28; B263);
  • AI
    Customizations Notes (UT29) (Cost Factor 7.5; 130 points)
    • Attributes
      DX12 [40]; IQ12 [40]; HT14 [40]
    • Secondary
      Characteristics [20]:
      Per14 [10]; Will 14 [10]
    • Advantages
      670]: AI [0]; Language Talent [10]; Cultural
      Adaptability [20]; Sage Talent +4
      to Teaching, Mathematics, Expert Skill, History, Law, Literature,
      Philosophy, Research, Economics, Spacer, Finance, Market Analysis.
      Reaction Bonus: Scholars, students, and people who consult you.
      [40]; Servant
      Talent (10 points/level; Administration, Accounting, Cooking,
      Housekeeping, Savoir Fair (Servant), Packing, Search, Electronic
      Operation (household devices), Eletronics Repair (household
      devices); Mechanic (Household), Current Events, Expertise
      (Fashion), +4 reaction bonus to Masters or Owners).

      Talent (10 points/level;
      Electronics Operation, Electronics Repair, Mechanic, Machinist,
      Environmental Suit, Pilot, Drive, Engineer, Free Fall, Aerobatics,
      First Aid, Armoury, Artillery, Gunner, Tactics (Space), Strategy
      (Space), Intelligence Analysis,
      Materials, Freight Handling,
      reaction bonus to Masters or Owners).
      (Cybernetic -40%; Mindlink/Telecommunications, connectivity
      required, -40%) [20]; Compartmentalized Mind 10 [500].

    • Disadvantages [-0]: 3-Laws of Robotics
    • Social Background [25]
      • Cultural Familiarty (3rd Imperium) [0]
      • Language (Anglic>Riftian;
        Speak/Comprehend; Fluent; Native) [0]
      • Language (Anglic; Read/Write; Fluent;
        Native) [0]
      • Language (Anglic>Core; Speak/Comprehend;
        Fluent;) [1]
      • Language (Anglic>Rim; Speak/Comprehend;
        Fluent;) [1]
      • Language (Anglic>Vilani;
        Speak/Comprehend; Fluent;) [1]
      • Language (Anglic>Transform;
        Speak/Comprehend; Fluent;) [1]
      • Language (Anglic>High; Speak/Comprehend;
        Fluent;) [1]
      • Language (Darrian; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent)
      • Language (Darrian; Read/Write; Fluent) [2]
      • Language (Vargr; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent)
      • Language (Vargr; Read/Write; Fluent) [2]
      • Language (Zhodani; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent)
      • Language (Zhodani; Read/Write; Fluent) [2]
      • Language (Aslan; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent)
      • Language (Aslan; Read/Write; Fluent) [2]
      • Language (Genoee; Speak/Comprehend; Fluent)
      • Language (Genoee; Read/Write; Fluent) [2]
    • Skills, Perks, Techniques [85]:
      • Accounting (A) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Servant
      • Administration (A) IQ+1 [4]-15
        (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Body Language (A) Per [2]-12
      • Computer Operation (E) IQ+2 [4]-18 (+4
      • Cooking (E) IQ+2 [4]-16
        (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Current Events (Headlines) (E) IQ+2 [4]-16
        (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Current Events (People) (E) IQ+2 [4]-16 (+4
        Servant Talent)
      • Diplomacy (A) IQ [4]-10
      • Electronics Operation (Household) (A) IQ+1
        [4]-15 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Electronics Repair (Household) (A) IQ+1
        [4]-15 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Housekeeping (E) IQ+2 [4]-16
        (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Mechanic (Household Electronics) (A) IQ+1
        [4]-15 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Observation (A) Per [2]-12
      • Packing (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Savoir-Faire (Servant) (E) IQ [4]-16 (+4
        Servant Talent)
      • Search (A) Per [2]-16
        (+4 Servant Talent)
      • Research (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Sage)
      • Writing (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Sage)
      • Teaching (A) IQ+1 [4]-15 (+4 Sage)
      • Expertise (Zhodani) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Expertise (Vargr) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Expertise (Darrians) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4
      • Expertise (Genoee) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Expertise (Aslan) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • History (3rd Imperium) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4
      • History (Imperial Dynasties) (H) IQ [4]-14
        (+4 Sage)
      • History (Long Night) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • History (Reign of Man/Second Imperium) (H)
        IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • History (First Imperium) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4
      • History (Terran) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • History (Vilani) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Literature (Greatest Works) (H) IQ [4]-14
        (+4 Sage)
      • Philosophy (General) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Math (Applied) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Law (Business) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Law (Criminal) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Law (Military) (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Merchant (A) IQ [2]-10
      • Economics (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Finance (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Market Analysis (H) IQ [4]-14 (+4 Sage)
      • Spacer (E) IQ [1]-16 (+4 Spacer)
      • Electronics
        Operation (Medical)

        (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Electronics
        Operation (Sensors)

        (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Electronics
        Operation (Comm)

        (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Electronics
        Operation (EW)

        (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Electronics
        Operation (Security)

        (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)

      • Electronics
        Repair (Medical)

        (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Electronics
        Repair (Sensors)

        (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Electronics
        Repair (Comm)

        (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Electronics
        Repair (EW)

        (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Electronics
        Repair (Security)

        (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Electronics
        Repair (
        (A) IQ [2]-12
      • Electronics
        Repair (Computers)

        (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Mechanic
        (High performance Spacecraft)

        (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Mechanic
        (Power Plant)

        (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Mechanic

        (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Mechanic
        (Maneuver Drives)

        (A) IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Mechanic

        (A) IQ [2]-12
      • Machinist
        (A) IQ [2]-16
      • Navigation (Space) (A) IQ [2]
      • Navigation (Hyperspace) (A) IQ [2]
      • Environmental
        (A) DX [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Environmental
        (A) DX [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Pilot
        performance Spacecraft) (A) DX [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Drive
        DX [2]-1
      • Drive
        (Construction Equipment)
        DX [2]-1
      • Drive
        (Heavy Wheeled)
        DX [2]-1
      • Driving
        DX [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Driving
        DX [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Engineer
        Performance Spacecraft) (H)
        [4]-16 (Spacer)

      • Engineer
        [4]-16 (Spacer)
      • Engineer
        [4]-16 (Spacer)
      • Engineer
        [4]-16 (Spacer)
      • Engineer
        IQ [4]-16 (Spacer)
      • Free
        HT [1]-14 (Spacer; Ship’s HT)
      • Aerobatics
        DX [4]-1
      • First
        Aid (E) IQ
      • Armoury
        IQ [2]

      • Armoury
        IQ [2]

      • Armoury
        IQ [2]

      • Artillery
        IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Artillery
        IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Artillery

        IQ [2]-16 (Spacer)
      • Gunner
        (E) DX [1]
      • Gunner
        (E) DX [1]
      • Gunner
        (Machine Guns) (E) DX [1]
      • Tactics
      • Strategy
        IQ [4]
      • Intelligence
        (H) IQ [4]
      • Hazardous
        IQ [2]
      • Freight
        IQ [2]
      • 27 points for Various Skills
This ship AI is powerful enough to run the ship fully autonomous which may be a boon in a game and another potential source for adventures. Pretty much the GM’s go-to NPC. In another post I have a fully equipped and costed ship. This AI is intended for Subsidized Merchanters who are required to take on any citizen who will work for board, training, and some compensation (like HAMNITE!). 

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