Economies of emotion

I could barely finish 1.5km in 15mins, but not so long ago I could finish 3km in less than 30mins.but there was a catch to that performance I thought I was finishing 3 miles in 30mins.
The shock of finding out from another metric source was terrible it left me pretty depressed and took me a while day to accept it. I am still recovering from the emotional loss.
Now the only time I was able to do another 3km in 30mins was after listening to “can’t hold us down” while running. The emotional high allowed me to ignore paid and dwell on the loss and instead I could not help but follow the upbeat mood of the song and finish on time.
I realized the economy of emotion in play as my emotions and awareness focused on something else and ignored fears and worries. I understand the uses of fear and caution but sometimes we need to ignore them and have fun and enjoy sometimes.
The increase emotional response made me realize so many things like how our son is so given to dancing more than kids his age to music and getting so emotional and excited comes from me and my wife. With control and regulation he will be able to use emotions to cope very well. I Keep imagining him dancing to any music and how we all encourage him and dance with him.

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