Libreoffice Chapters

Libreoffice Chapters are by Heading 1 (not Heading). So if I want a table of contents or index that is limited to a chapter I have to organize by Heading 1 is a Chapter that deserves its own List.

You track the hierarchy using Navigation F5 (its the 4 pointed star symbol)

So now I can have a List of Elements of a Given Chapter, like in D20 SRD where you have a list of all the feats, skills and page.

Table of Contents (Heading, Insert > indexes and tables > table of contents – entire document)
BASICS (heading)
     Dice Mechanics (heading 1)
          Occasion to Roll (heading 2)
          Damage Roll (heading 2)
CHARACTERS (heading)
     CHARACTER RACES (heading 1; Insert > indexes and tables > table of contents – chapter, formatted so that i can have a brief summary for each race)
     SOCIAL BACKGROUND (heading 1)
          Image and Appearance (heading 2)
          Wealth and Influence (heading 2)
          Language and Culture (heading 2)
     ADVANTAGES (heading 1; Insert > indexes and tables > table of contents – chapter)
               Advantage 1 (heading 3) notes on racial maximums and limitations.
               Advantage 2 (heading 3) etc..
     DISADVANTAGES (heading 1; Insert > indexes and tables > table of contents – chapter)
     SKILLS (heading 1; Insert > indexes and tables > table of contents – chapter, formatted so that i can have a brief summary for each race)
     CHARACTER ARCHETYPES (heading 1; Insert > indexes and tables > table of contents – chapter, formatted so that i can have a brief summary for each archetype)
               Warrior (bullet points, like in d20)
               Rogue etc…
HOW TO PLAY (heading)
     PHYSICAL FEATS (heading 1)
     MENTAL FEATS (heading 1)

I formatted the races in bullet points, like in D20, and its pretty easy for anyone to derive the point costs.
Simplified the Equipment

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