Song of Ice and Fire RPG references

Prep for a game.
Random Character Genrator
Awesome MAP and NPC App. Waiting for the android matter to be resolved, i hope it is resolved soon. It will really help with sandbox style game.
Random House
Random Noble
Cheat Sheet (the tables). I need ALL the tables, especially the equipment one. I’ll see if I have time to make my own. Again, i wish I had an ojt to assign this to.
Other Tables I need: List of all the tasks and activities. Travel and movement rates.
On a separate reference material: House and Holding sheet.

I wish I had the free time and rights to set up my camera and maybe have a show and tell how to create characters, house, run battles, intrigue etc. for this game. Then how to do it in GURPS LOL.

Game of Thrones Companion. Android

George R. R. Martin’s A World of Ice and Fire – A Game of Thrones Guide
By Random House Digital, Inc.

IGN App For Game of Thrones By IGN Entertainment, Inc.

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