Airsoft Cheating phenomenon used as a microcosm to observe social dynamics in the Philippines

Topics one Can Research Regarding Philippine Airsoft Culture.
– Cheating extends to supremacy of one’s Tribe/Team, by providing information to oppossing side for one’s tribe’s advantage despite playing in mixed sides. The very complex nature of Tribe in Airsoft.
– Unspoken Norm – How no one knows how to talk about Cheating without naming names or being A-political. How to make the cheating discussion more mature and to cultivate a playing culture with a greater intollerance for cheating and dishonesty.
– Groups seek to recruit enough to be able to play reliably with their own; but isolated face challenges of attrition due to real life getting in the way.
– The behavioral economic factors in Airsoft Play – Filtering Teams and Individuals for Honesty and Sportsmanship.
– Leadership and how strongly it affects Team and Group culture. There are a ton of instances Comm and Leadership Skills are needed to prevent a negative trend, and there is an opportunity to learn, communicate, and rise above challenges.
– How would you measure Common Good/ Fair Play and the Playing Environment in Airsoft? Would you measure by site, by team?

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