LibreOffice will be an App next year. China Tablets at the $125 range (add $25 for the keyboard dock) have the stats of the IPAD 1 but at 10.1″ standard and micro sim card. At $150 and LibreOffice Apps, you have your computer. These costs go down about 15% if buy in hundreds and 20% or greater by thousands. At the price of $120 thats more than what the state of the PH for each student or each bureaucrat.
Rasberry Pi may better serve as a modular multi-processor server that is scalable and much cheaper than those existing now. A network version hack of Rasberry Pi comes out 😛
In 2014+ its possible that the people capable of going online to jump exponentially…. now is not the time to for a telco company to skimp… or a law to curtail freedom of expression and information. There could be as many cell phone users as internet users.
Potato mash network or open source networking and amplifier hacks can link remote locations on the cheap.
Offline Servers with open WLAN can make Khan Academy accessible… 7″ tablets can be lent out like library books in small communities. Open Courseware and University of the People courses will allow talent to pop up unexpectedly.
Open Source Ecology will finally have its Open Source CAD, and CNC software platforms. Many manufacturing biz will adopt Rapid Prototyping and work with Local Gov and Cooperatives to create incredibly cheap and sustainable Infrastructure and Equipment. There will be those who will abuse this and try to get kickbacks, but the strong internet will create a lot of comparisons and benchmarks that can inform people of bad deals. The first few attempts will bankrupt the early adopters because the first reflex is price war… but niche are carved out and specialization within the OSE start to take place lessons learned from the prisoners dilemma of price wars.
the most transparent and most effective in forging a good will will have a sustainable head start
…or the power and influence of the Information Age frighten the old guard which react with reducing liberties and push things to violent conflict. 😛
I forsee a lot of Failed Tech Infra Bids in 2013-2014 because there is still a lot of corruption and its getting easier to get caught. What will happens is most gov’t projects will be delayed Freedom of Information Bill, and a State ERP ( a natural evolution of the provisions of the law) would screw with ALL of corruption schemes.
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