IMTU Robots: Lenses, Cost Packages, and Tools

Updated 4-26-2012
Finally got around to detailing IMTU robots. I think my brother would love this.
This is for Androids and Robots.

Sources of Note:

  • AI and Software Cost UT25
  • Machine Intelligence Lenses UT27
  • Biomorphic Lenses UT28
  • Expert Skills of ISW164
  • Computers B472

Android Skills in ISW and IMTU
Note that a computer can run a Two Programs of it’s Complexity B472. The second program is the Professional Template of the Machine Intelligence. Basically the Complexity of the Program gives the Machine Intelligence more character points for skills.
C5 – 1cp
C6 – 3cp
C7 – 5cp
C8 – 10cp
C9 – 25cp
C10 – 50cp

Consequences of Failure. Sometimes consequences are small, some are big. Part of human decision making we are hardly aware of is that “feeling” we get that the consequences cannot be that bad and how much we mentally hedge the risks we take.

Low AI’s effect on skill rolls. Less judgement means more context-incorrect decisions. Basically there is a chance the computer can do a spectacularly bad thing. Thats is why they are only tasked on things that have a limited failure. A margin of failure equal to the Complexity Requirement’s score of the AI. If an AI has a (IQ/2)+4 like mind emulators, there is a +4 allowable margin of failure, where failure is not that critical. On a weak dedicated AI, where it is (IQ/2)+1, failure is much messier than that of other AI’s or humans. Humans have a margin of +5.

So Weak Dedicated AI’s, Low sophistication Ais, always needs human guidance. It is after all a smart tool, and the operator or the human guide is the one who makes careful decision what the AI does to mitigate the penalty.

Purchasing the Robot Brains and Software. 
This is an added cost to the robot. I’m focusing on TL9 and 10. I don’t want to bother with TL11 because we have barely explored even TL9, I’d rather consider all the hacks that might happen before going to TLs that may take all that power forgranted.

Compact Microframes are 20lbs, the computer extends to the spine and the core of the body. This needs a medium sized body (size 0).

Weak AI.

​Typical Role:  These are Smart Tools. As tools use the Software Tools as a Guide to the Bonus UT25


  • Common Model. Total Package +$3,000. 
  • Medium Computer Brain Complexity 5: IQ8-9; $1,000
  • AI Progam Complexity 5 $1,000 and $1,000 professional program of 1cp  

  • Improved Model. Total Package $26,000. 
  • Fast Medium Computer C6: IQ10-11; $20,000
  • AI Program C6 $3,000 and $3,000 professional program of 3cp
  • Advanced Model. Total Package $520,000. 
  • Genius Medium Computer Brain Complexity 7: IQ12-13; $500,000
  • ​AI Progam Complexity 7 $10,000 plus $10,000 for 5cp
  • Cutting Edge Model. Total Package $10,060,000. 
  • Genius Compact Microframe Brain C8: IQ14-15; $10,000,000
  • ​AI Progam Complexity 10 $30,000 plus $30,000 for 10cp

Non-Volitional AI

Typical Roles: Security, Gate-Keepers (Assistants), Automated Crew.

  • Advanced Model. Total Package $520,000. 
  • Genius Medium Computer Brain Complexity 7: IQ10-11; $500,000
  • ​AI Progam Complexity 7 $10,000 plus $10,000 for 5cp
  • Cutting Edge Model. Total Package $10,060,000. 
  • Genius Compact Microframe Brain C8: IQ12-13; $10,000,000
  • ​AI Progam Complexity 10 $30,000 plus $30,000 for 10cp


  • Standard Model. Total Package $3,000. 
  • Medium Computer C7: IQ10-11; $1,000
  • AI Program C7 $1,000 and $1,000 professional program of 5cp
    • Improved Model. Total Package $26,000. 
    • Fast Medium Computer or Compact Microframe Brain C8: IQ12-13; $20,000
    • AI Program C8 $3,000 and $3,000 professional program of 10cp
    • Advanced Model. Total Package $520,000. 
    • Genius Medium Computer Brain Complexity 9: IQ14-15; $500,000
    • ​AI Progam Complexity 9 $10,000 plus $10,000 for 25cp
    • Cutting Edge Model. Total Package $10,060,000. 
    • Genius Compact Microframe Brain C10: IQ16-17; $10,000,000
    • ​AI Progam Complexity 10 $30,000 plus $30,000 for 50cp

    Volitional AI


    • Improved Model. Total Package $26,000. 
    • Fast Medium Computer or Compact Microframe Brain C8: IQ10-11; $20,000
    • AI Program C8 $3,000 and $3,000 professional program of 10cp
    • Typical Roles: Passenger Service Droids, Service Industry Droid, Translator
    • Advanced Model. Total Package $520,000. 
    • Genius Medium Computer Brain Complexity 9: IQ12-13; $500,000
    • ​AI Progam Complexity 9 $10,000 plus $10,000 for 25cp
    • Typical Roles: Companion Androids
    • Cutting Edge Model. Total Package $10,060,000. 
    • Genius Compact Microframe Brain C10: IQ14-15; $10,000,000
    • ​AI Progam Complexity 10 $30,000 plus $30,000 for 50cp
    • Typical Roles: Companion Androids

    Mind Emulators.

    • ​Advanced Model. Total Package $520,000. 
    • ​Genius Medium Computer Brain Complexity 9: IQ10-11; $500,000
    • AI Progam Complexity 9 $10,000 plus $10,000 for 25cp
    • Cutting Edge Model. Total Package $10,060,000. 
    • Genius Compact Microframe Brain C10: IQ12-13; $10,000,000
    • ​AI Progam Complexity 10 $30,000 plus $30,000 for 50cp

    ROBOT Physical Lenses

    Medium Robot Lense (default).
    Heavy Robot Lense.
    +4 lifting ST,+8HP, +4DR (cannot wear armor)
    Robot Modifiers: +1CF, +50% weight
    Cannot Have Light and Heavy lense

    Large Robot Lense
    +50% base ST per size larger, +1DR per size larger, x3
    Robot Modifiers: x3 cost per size larger, x3 Weight increase per size.

    Light Robot Lense
    -3ST, -4HP, Half DR
    Robot Modifier: -0.4CF, -33% weight

    Quadie Robot Lense
    This is a robot that has arms for legs. can only crawl on the ground.
    Lame: Crippled Legs, Extra Arms,
    No modifier. Zero G Specialized Robot.

    Child Body = Small Robot Lense

    Extra Limbs
    +0.2CF for every extra pair of arms (maximum 2 for heavy robot lense, 4 for Light robot lense, and half the maximum when the body is smaller, increase the maximum by 50% when the body gets bigger by 1 size category).

    Sample Robots

    TL10 Dwarven Engineering Crew 
    Heavy Robot Lense
    + Small Robot Lense
    + N-Vol.AI Improved Model TL10
    =  +0.6CF + $26,000 = $106,000

    TL10 Gnomish Engineering Crew 
    Small Robot Lense
    + Light Robot Lense
    + Vol.AI Improved Model TL10
    = -0.8CF + $26,000 = $46,000

    TL9 Heavy Shipyard Bot 
    Extra Arms
    + Quadie
    + Large
    + Heavy
    + Weak AI TL9
    = +1.2CF x 3 cost plus $3,000 = $498,000.

    TL 10 Small Maintenance Robot 
    TL10 Petbot
    + Weak AI Common Model
    = $18,000

    TL10 Combat Android “Battle Angel”
    UT167 TL10 Model
    + Infiltrator
    + Light
    + Advanced Model Volitional AI, IQ10-11
    = $680,000

    Robot Specialists

    Robots Specialists see the robot maintenance schedule.
    TL9 – 5 robots month
    TL10 – 10 robots a month
    TL11 – 20 robots a month

    • Expert Skill: Robotics (H) 
    • Mechanic: Robotics (A) 
    • Electronics Repair: Robotics (A)
    • Computer Programming: AI (A)
    • Engineering: Robotics (H) 
    • Machinist (A) 
    • Expert Skill: Computer Security (H)
    • Certified Robotics Associate [1] (requires skill-10)
    • Certified Robotics Design Associate [1] (requires skill-12 in engineering)
    • Certified Robotics AI Security Associate [1] (requires skill-12 on the AI Security )
    • Certified Robotics Professional [1] (requires skill-12)

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