Slowly understanding the erpnext accounting system.
Particularly for our biz which can use everything in it. what is mentioned is the Doctype/Form triggers an action:
Lead > Opportunity > Bill of Materials > Quote > Sales Order > Validate/Update Bill of Materials > Work Order (Which Triggers a bunch of other processes like Job Cards and Material Transactions) > Delivery Note (The equivalent of Delivery Receipt in the Philippines) > Sales Invoice > Payment Entry.
Then there are the Accounting Processes. How to set it up when the Purchasing and the Sales are not yet set up.
Whats interesting is the Lead to Sales Order is going to be DPA compliant. Usually, this is very expensive. Its really tricky to set up..
Thinking of the two friends whos family biz can use this. But I wonder how many else can. Looking outside the window and the small biz I can see.
Whats interesting is the CRM. Once the CRM is set up and 2F is set up – its easy to HIRE freelancers to brute force this. What used to be a very elaborate process now its a CONTROLLED process of converting Leads to Opportunities to Quotes to Sales Orders.
Connect it with a VICIDIAL and ordering system and our family biz can widen our Biz 2 Biz for furniture. Even smaller Biz not just BPOs. Eventually Biz 2 Customer. Once we can measure and turn around a piece of furniture reliably. The reports it can generate since it can measure everything now.
The Aftersales and Installation also can be better improved.
Anyway there is a way to DELETE all company transactions and sensitive data in our Server Image. Basically make a BLANK ERPNext that has all our Filipino Relevant Customizations.
target of that is June-July. I want sana by August or September I know enough like our Vendor that I can demo ERPNext and make more videos about it in our Company youtube.
The Master Image has a Github where the customizations are there. Like Scotts Wadsworth or Louise Rossman – explain it all openly and in plain speaking how to set up your businesses ERP so you don’t spend millions of pesos on one. As well teaching as many people how to approach System Integration.
That the material can teach or train in 500-1000 hours (OJTs have these hours) how to be an ERPNext Biz Implementor. From setting up the server, firewall, network, or public it, to deploying it in a company. Or teaching any low level IT to do this.
Maybe teach DPA in the Context of ERPNext and the data it holds.
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