I’m bothered by Vacc Suit and Combat Env Suit Stats of MgT2E. one is 10kg the other is 2kg and in the setting End+Str+Athl in Load capacity before Bane. I feel like having to correct this because it will lead to some Technical Debt – why use Vacc Suits if Env Suits by game mechanics is just as good. (So basically I learned to be constructive and talk about future problems of certain things that bother me). I don’t like being caught off guard and having to make a poorly informed decision.
The difference between a Vacc Suit and a basic sealed suit is that a Vacc Suit (Spacesuit) is meant for 8-hour stays (in TL8 EVMU) with enough life support and capacity for human waste management. this is a 60kg suit. Some are accessed through the back. Which has about 60kg of SUPPORT equipment that comes with it. For a total mass of 120kg. in the ISS the suit has more supporting equipment for long term use at 150kg. for about x2 its mass in support equipment.
I never thought of that, the support equipment needed. It raises all these realizations like Workshops able to fabricate spare parts, equipment meant to test and check if the system works. Spare parts.
Anything simpler like a counter-pressure suit would probably have special provisions for waste, but having no major container like an EVA suit it will. Would probably way only slightly lighter like 30kg.
Vacc Suit at TL 9 (10+ generations, or 50 years of development) 60kg to 40kg and the Carry-On support equipment would be 40kg. 20mh life support with 1-hour servicing per 20mh of use. It’s going to be like some hardware – it’s like you’re renting as you always have to update and refresh. So even if you pay for a Suit good indefinitely with any workshop to fabricate parts you really need to update it every 3-5 years. Bleeding edge vs Main Lines of products which are designed to be supported indefinitely; while Disposable Bleeding Edge is bought with about 5-8 years of support before its a REALLY hard to support it.
I could imagine someone replacing filters, screwing off and on panels and the system has a diagnostic check that tests its integrity.
Heavy Labor. It may be zero-G but mechanical elements to reduce electronic malfunction because of radiation and space hazards. So many mechanical systems that will tire out the wearer. Imagine mechanical fingers with springs and purely powered by your own fingers and the devices breaking and needing replacement. your hands protected but the mechanical fingers are of a lower grade
I realize Vacc Suit Manufacturing in the Ship’s Workshop is very important. Every ship needs to be able to completely build a vacc suit from spare parts on hand and their workshop. 40-60% of users are using “Open Source” Locally fabricated Vacc Suits.
Baseline EMU[edit]
- Manufacturer: ILC Dover (suit) and Collins Aerospace (primary life support systems)[1]
- Missions: STS-6 (1983) to STS-110 (2002)[1]
- Function: orbital extra-vehicular activity[1]
- Operating pressure: 4.5 psi (29.6 kPa)[1]
- EVA suit weight: 109 lb (49.4 kg)[1]
- Total shuttle EVA suit weight: 254 lb (115 kg)[1]
- Primary life support: 8 hours (480 minutes)[1]
- Backup life support: 30 minutes[1]
- Manufacturer: ILC Dover (suit), Collins Aerospace (primary life support systems) and NASA (SAFER)[1]
- Missions: 1998 to present[1]
- Function: orbital extra-vehicular activity[1]
- Operating pressure: 4.5 psi (29.6 kPa)[1]
- EVA suit weight: 122 lb (55.3 kg)[1]
- Total shuttle EVA suit weight: 275 lb (124.7 kg)[1]
- Total ISS EVA suit weight: 319 lb (145 kg)[1]
- Primary life support: 8 hours (480 minutes)[1]
- Backup life support: 30 minutes[1]
One of the things I realized is that – Belters will have a Smell. Space laborers will have probiotic creams used to cultivate and facilitate skin bacteria that act as a symbiot to reduce the infection rate and chafing in a 10-20 hour suit heavy labor. the bacteria feed off the sweat, heat, epithelial waste. Spacers will have a smell or if spacers are the norm, non-spacers will have a smell to the spacers.
In a TRPG about TL9 space Pioneering – where characters develop the Infra (Skyhooks; Stations; a number of comets and asteroids orbiting HEO or LEO) that would be artifacts of future generations -, TIME scaling is an important part of storytelling. Particularly Casualties or Major Changes during the Extended Period rolls. The problem of Human sense of time and change – the Traveller “Survival” checks start showing up in GAME. instead of the Week Transit of Jump – the Week or Month Transit in System players roll SURVIVAL.
A good roll is being able to train and practice and self-improvement. a bad roll is a Mishap. A TRPG set in pioneering TL9 or with hard science risks will be interesting as over the span of sessions PCs change A LOT. from being crippled and needing cybernetics, to being replaced by a new crewman.
I wanted to Run also 2200 in Interstellar Wars (GURPS ISW) where there are Hard Scifi Ships with Micro-Jump Drives and Delta-V budgets. Finite Jump points, Jumping requires a lot of calculations and happens instantaneously. Players are up for something scary: traveling from Jump Points and destinations – and the Players have to roll SURVIVAL. Imagine a 4-20 week trip. That’s enough to learn a new skill (or lose a skill) and the players all roll Survival 4+ with your professional skills ( complying with safety measures).
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