Month: March 2016
GURPS Magic Notes 26: 2016 Update
So I’m listening to Kenneth Hite’s GURPS Cabal using @Voice. I bought the book few months ago and only now had…
Design vs Art
Design has purpose and should be understandable. Art is Expression and needs to affect the target audience. They are two…
GURPS Languages
Collaborative Gamer’s GURPS Language and Some thoughts Language should be treated like a Real World Superpower. We take it forgranted…
Base Rates in TTRPGs, using Social Media to gather information and create better tools.
Base Rates are RARE and can be useful to overcome Planning Fallacy and Overconfidence Bias. So why not use the…
Mandarin Studies Update, Enrolling to Cycle 38
So Cycle 37 (Jan 9 to March 19) in the Confucius Institute of Ateneo in Ateneo Business School ended where I…
Updated the Game Mastering Technique Gdoc List
The Game Mastering Technique gdoc list is an Open List of Techniques drawing mostly from Storytelling, Rationality, and Productivity studies and…
Progress report 11C Random Character Generation Booklet
Here are some mental models and notes of my progress. I know if I keep needling in useless details my progress will…
When Certainty Fails 40% of the time, and Luck has a greater factor to Success than skill.
“But the evidence is unequivocal — there is a great deal more luck than skill involved in the achievements of…
Intensity Units and Recovery
The GURPS Effort Levels model or simply the Heart Rate Zones (I use fitibit Charge HR and a Basis 1B to know…
Extra Credits’s Byzantine Empire Justinian and Theodora Series
I wonder how many hours will it take me to dig up my old notes for this campaign? I love…
GURPS updated Effort level March 2016
Let’s centralize the Rules of Fatigue and to change some In-game incentives and strategies. Rules Modifications Fatigue Levels and Penalties.…
GURPS Random Character Creation Draft
Its going to take a lot of work to reference and fill this up. I want the Traits to be…
Games and Dining in the Philippines
There has been a growth of Games and Dining places in the Philippines. Currently the are focused on Board Games,…
Rationality Tools for Gaming: Thinking Fast and Slow Ch 21-23
Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman has been a strong influence in game design of late. Especially since I…
How Google’s research in Team Dynamics relates to your Game
Let me try to break this 5,000 word article to something easier. Note that I’m summarizing and simplifying its still…