Month: October 2012
Re-armed and rested
Got the WE Glock18 for about Php1000 off market average today. I also got a new “Airsoft bag” which is…
Cheating is really really bad here in the Philippines
There are incredible amounts of cheating going on in Philippine airsoft. One instance that just happen to our team was…
The Spear, the AK 47 of pre-modern times; Lessons on Tactics this is a reddit discussion which I concur with, and want to save for use later on. Been Playing…
Altruistic Goals have the most Meaty Challenges
I began as an Idealist, then found out that in the nitty gritty what I dreamed about was impossible. I…
Digesting a lot of Chinese History
Thanks to Laszlo Montgomery I found it easier to follow chinese history. As a filipino, i pretty much fall in between…
Mr Hooks Sketch Up of RPG 3d and 2d Maps
This is awesome. Structure wise they are HUGE, so perfect for fantasy. It would be nice to have the time…
I have an artist already; patience is needed
I found an artist already. So this journey begins. Hoping for the best, and time must be taken. Basically the…
Are we the only ones not giving a bribe?
Given how this is so common in the business landscape when it comes to high priced bids like Real Estate,…
Safety Incident at KM14
We had an incident in KM14, someone used a gun so strong that the when it hit the visor of…
There are things to look forward too
LibreOffice will be an App next year. China Tablets at the $125 range (add $25 for the keyboard dock) have…