Month: April 2011
A morality thread in the forums: Killing Orcs
This kind of topic always generates a lot of debate, since normally people go into it with the baggage of…
[Low-Tech write up] Economic Overview of a Kingdom
This is the economic overview of a Kingdom. A kingdom, has a King who is considered first among his peers,…
My Game Writing blurring with my Work studies
“The adventure should have the least amount of barriers. The wording and material should be designed with a GM work…
Looking forward to more about China
The east is the least understood and least played setting in RPGs. So I have a special props for Qin:…
Help Me Focus, a Poll.
Last week I had a bad fever and all I could do was write and read about games. Now that…
IMTU Doctrines of the Imperium
I was doing a detailed review of Gurps Traveller (Ground Forces and Star Mercs) and I was disappointed with the…
FAQ: Knight Incomes in GURPS 4e
I made this little thing to sort out what is a knight income. The basic template is household knight/man-at-arms. Whats…
Low Tech Households
Here is the google docs of the list of Household Revenues and Expenses. I’ve just listed all the items so…
[GURPS High Tech] Resource: PTR products
Precision Target Rifles – A gun-manfucaturer that had a revamp. The happen to have my prefered airsoft gun: the G3.…