30*2^1/X days habit conditioning.

My Guess and attempt to model conditioning curves.

So if we are fully engaged in a habit 7/7 days a week. Then we have 60 days of conditioning. Otherwise its:

Doing it 5/7 days (like week ends rests), then it becomes 30*2^(1/0.7) = 85 days.

This is based on the mental conditioning curve in spaced repetition and basic military training (which is a lifestyle conditioning period).

Engaged. being fully engaged means including the warm-up time for the brain’s plasticity to shift almost all its resources to that task. Typically I have a set up time of 10-20 if I can concentrate on the task completely.

This means if I have 15mins to set up, and 15 minutes to perform the task then I need at least 30min *7 days or 3.5 hours a week minimum. Anything less than 3.5 hours a day will not reach mental heights of Deep work and creativity.

Apply the Engagement requirements when Doing a time study. SO if I need 15mins to set up, and I only have 10 then apply that 2/3 penalty to the Day frequency. So doing it 5/7 days a week and only 2/3 of needed time is 0.46. so 30*2^(1/0.46) = 135 days.

2 responses to “30*2^1/X days habit conditioning.”

  1. Jay Dugger Avatar

    Where did you put the spreadsheet for this, Justin?

  2. justin aquino Avatar

    I haven't made one. But now that you bring it up and from recent lean studies I think I can make one designed to track learning skills and techniques.

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