Category: Traveller
Fatigue and Economy of Effort;
Fatigue is not something for every game table. But to simulations its practically ubiquitous in all strategic decision making. Fatigue affects both mind and body,…
Combat Roles for Sci-Fi Ship Combat; hard Sci-fi hacking
In theory one can make combat roles for every position on a ship, the same way you have it in…
IMTU – No-Stealth – Open to Critique
Open for Critique Since I choose to remove detection stealth IMTU I wondered its effects. There is still “stealth” but it works…
IMTU: Updating the Ops Cost per Ship.
Just an update of ship expenses, all commercial shipping found in ISW. Note that these are the costs per Dton, there is…
IMTU Robots and the Economy
The side note in my mega-professional package list became this… Professions and Robots. In TL10 Non-volitional Robots with IQ11 and…
Brokers Do Speculative Trade; Spacers Move Freight
I’ve divorced speculative trade and shipping. It kinda defeates the Terran Free Traders wording but it makes sounder business sense.…
Some good links to share: generators
I get it Don Jon thanks to Jurgen for the Link. I was inspired by Evangelion 2.0, Underground Cities of…
IMTU Financing
I don’t agree with the rules in ISW174 Financing. I know its a fiction and an adventure but its doesn’t make…
IMTU Doctrines of the Imperium
I was doing a detailed review of Gurps Traveller (Ground Forces and Star Mercs) and I was disappointed with the…
Accounting in my RPGs; A Traveller Businessplan; Researching on Soldiers
The only RPG that has Accounting in their game play is HARN, harn manor. Traveller can have accounting in its…
Basic Traveller Templates
These templates were made to reflect basic proficiency with regards to the hours of training that would into their contemporary…
Traveller 20,000Dton Carrier
This 20k Carrier includes its fighter, based on the Terran fighter. This is designed mostly from ISW RAW. The only…
Gurps Traveler: Expanding GURPS BASIC SET
I think there should be more fan made BASIC SET material online. I’ve heard complaints from my fellow GM that…
Role-Playing/Narrating a Hard Sci-fi’s Starship’s Bridge
Ever wondered how hard is the job of a Sensor Officer aboard a ship? Given the advances in computers at…
Traveller: Entrepreneurs
Mark Gellis, points out an interesting problem with Gurps Traveller: Interstellar Wars economic game system in this GURPS thread.what else…
Traveller ISW: Automated Turrets and Exo Skeletons
The turret programing will grant its bonus to the Gunnery Section. Basically it is the task of this section to…
Finally a Traveller Carrier!
Mythic Class Carrier Doctrine: Carriers are primarily assault vessels, meant to overwhelm an opponent’s defenses with high missile saturation. Fighters…
GURPS Traveller: Intersrellar Wars 5-Dton Craft
All these small craft are typically blended wing design. Light Missile CraftThe cheapest and most bang-for-buck missile and screening craft…
Military Sci-fi Encounter
Mission: hold out long enough on the ground until Space forces can cut down enemy escape window. Enemies will have…
GURPS Traveller: Interstellar Wars – Vehicle Based Campaign
Traveller: Vehicle Based Adventure In terms of space combat, I noticed unlike ground side engagements its harder to Role-play individual…
GURPS Traveller Interstellar Wars – Review
Review. It seems as time passes, I see more and more un-answered problems with the GT-ISW book. More and more…
Sci-Fi Load-out: Long Ranged Operation Load
TL10 Long Operational Range Package. $37,190 Basically, this is a long range package complete with all essential gear for a…
A Merchant’s Vested Intrested
Credibility. In game theory and business, I learned that one should really have a stake in the transaction, in order…