Category: Traveller
Part 3 of Instant Party
Last installment. About 9 characters 5 AIs, and all the page references, notes, and accounting done already with points to…
Filipino Mariners, my Inspiration for the Traveller Game
I was first exposed to the lives of Filipino Mariners when I worked for one of the largest seaman manpower…
JTAS Aug 13 is up
Self interest being transparent here. The first post, Instant Party I, had 4 characters in it. This had 5, 3…
Captain’s Log 96-1105
We made a killing yesterday, almost $3M of profit. It was a hard two months of dry business. Tukera is…
IMTU: Mind-Emulator + Drone Fighters
I just stumbled on something I am wondering if anyone else figured out: with Mind Emulation, Pilots can basically be…
IMTU exo-skeletons, bonus Freight Handling AI
I’ve been trying to reverse engineer powered armor calculations in UT but I’m not that good in math or physics/engineering…
IMTU Warheads and Effectiveness
This is a post to patch up some rules regarding warheads and special effects. see Common Fighters of the Third…
IMTU – Simplifying Starting Ships; Profitability Updated
Simple Rule – you start out with all the necessary equipment and consumables as long as they don’t add up…
IMTU Some Battledress, for Urban Warfare
I have this one, a mobile armor superiority one (non-humanoid), and a robot tank (non-humanoid). Ill stretch it out as…
IMTU Organic Bias
In GURPS the cost of an AI that can do a better job than a human is very very low.…
Hard Worlder Robot 800F
Designed to be used to explore or work in planets like Venus (800F) and thick atmosphere (Scanning Sense Imaging Radar).…
Sci-Fi Subsidized economy
I don’t like subsidizing out a game theory reasons, but its one of the most powerful means to influence the…
Unloading a Headache – My Software AI Notes from UT
This is the notes I’ve compiled. Basically I found it a head ache to reference Transhuman Space, Transhuman Space: Changing…
Transhumanism in My Traveller makes things more Contraversial
Some transhumanism concepts I’m mulling over for IMTU. The thing about these concepts is that they are in the background…
GURPS traveller ship building spreadsheet
One of multiple parts I am trying to keep this short. GURPS Ship building System 4th Edition Traveller, found in…
IMTU Ship Creation Spreadsheet: EM armor, Ablative Foam, Armor Paste
I added Electro Magnetic Armor (variable Hardening vs Shaped Charge), Ablative Foam (Hardened 1 vs Lasers) and Reactive Armor Paste…
IMTU Ship repairs in gurps traveller
Ship Repairs seems to be a Non-Topic because I’m not getting a nibble in the threads and my search-fu has…
IMTU existential problems in scifi, jump ghosts
I’m a fan of the prestige and I Iike the dilemma it poses. What if the designers of the jump…
IMTU the transient human form
What if human form was very easy to modify? I know genetic manipulation is taboo in the default Traveller, funny…
IMTU Dreams of The Long Night
The Long Night’s impact is still felt in policies, media, and cultural outlook of the 3rd Millenium. As much as…
GURPS Traveller Lite Episode 02
They entered the Whangga System by its farthest gravity well, its 4th Gass giant. They attempted jumped pretty close hoping…
Android Template
I love how these gurps disads tell the story of an Android through the numbers at a glance. Their terribly short lifespan…
Traveller Lite Ep01 Summary
The captain Victoria Nelson has “upgraded” her old ship, a 200dton Empress Class Far Trader, for a 400dton Frontier Trader christened “Rizaly”. This…
GURPS Traveller ISW Operating Costs Review
Here is my ISW Ops Cost. The future has a lot of costs. from $700 to $7,000 per 1dton per…
Wishing upon a Sci-fi System
Questions I don’t have answers to: Wouldn’t Doctrine evolve towards low profile warships? Wouldn’t the same evolution in predator prey…
Traveller – Merchant Team
The Broker or Merchant Team is a different approach from the Traveller setting as the ship is optional. Instead of…
Traveller Classic Merchant Rising Game on Roll20!
Thank you +Mark Knights for an awesome game, and thanks to all the great players +Seth Blumberg our Captain, +James Austin, +Matt Guyder, +Scott Cadoo, +duncan…
My Attempt at Traveller’s Dishaan
Could not find any art about it so here is my first attempt. using Note 2. This is an arboreal…
GURPS Traveller Character Gen Side Project
Here is my Statement-Sized Google Doc regarding GURPS 4E Traveller Interstellar Wars Character Gen. Basically its all my homebrew rules…
How to use my Mongoose Traveller Costs Spreadsheet
‘Splaining why costs of freight in traveller are too low for the ship owner and why the GM has to…