Category: homebrew rules
Learning Children of a Dead Earth Orbital Mechanics and Phasing.
Children of a Dead Earth was about 1usd because of the steam Summer sale. So I got it. Unlike Kerbal,…
GURPS Making Initiative Check Based
Initiative is a score that player rolls for his character where his margin of success and failure determines his order…
GURPS Traveller Character Gen Side Project
Here is my Statement-Sized Google Doc regarding GURPS 4E Traveller Interstellar Wars Character Gen. Basically its all my homebrew rules…
Just getting a lot of ideas down
Recalibrating Classes and Some Rules I was wondering about re-calibrating classes in 3.5. Breaking some tradition, and making more sense.…
Back to working on GURPS MIddle Ages LITE
Looking at what there is left, I think it will be another 20 more hours to finish it. I need…
from 2010, Axial Age Setting and D20 based system.
I was really inspired to play or run a game set in the Axial Age. So I made a fantasy setting…
Finished D20 SRD homebrew Prep
It just need some polish, but it is practically finished. I was able to construct some characters and test out…
Ally or Contact – complexities of relationships
I was wondering about if one had only limited character currency what one should spend on, and I found allies…
Updated my D20SRD Homebrew Rules
D20 SRD has no power creep, accessible, easily define-able You can find it here. Combat is Lethal with Con being…
Ally followers black boxing
Other than the characters personal wealth, he spends points on allies, which are his followers. Allies that are followers provide…
Another way to deal with GURPS Dmg
Average All Damage. This is great with fire-arms. Just apply the 3.5 per d6. Do the same for melee weapons,…
Scratching that Pedantic Urge: Economy Sizes
I just got to get this itch: Starting Wealth is determined largely by the size of the Economy. Imperial Rome,…
Social Advantages requirements
Some advantages have a cost to maintain. Contacts and networks are something I am terrible at maintaining, my best bet…
Organized some text: GURPS Lite setting specific
I tried to reconstruct my GURPS lite that was specific to Low Tech. I’ve hit a milestone where I finished…
Cards as an Organization Mnemonic
Using Cards The cards are meant to concentrate and prepare details that are relevant. In a Top Heavy game like…
Reflections on GMing after Simulations; Random Generating Flaws and Perks
There are a lot of ideas that come to me from converting my airsoft experience into GMing. One thing that…
DnD Magic With a real Cost
Looking at economics of energy, Magic in any setting throws away laws of physics for the sake of metaphysical and…