About US

Our Mission

Game in the Brain’s mission is to make learning about science and the world fun and accessible through tabletop RPGs. We create tools that simplify hard sci-fi concepts, empowering players to embrace complexity at their own pace. Our goal is to make sure everyone feels welcome and inspired to learn, explore, and grow through the gamification of their experiences.

Our Vision

Our vision is a world where more creators build and share intricate sci-fi worlds using our Creative Commons assets and open settings. We aim to lower the barriers to world-building, enabling a community that contributes to and enhances our tools. Together, we can create a shared language of storytelling and deepen our collective understanding of the world through these powerful, collaborative experiences


I’m Justin Aquino, and together with Nicco Salonga, we make up Game in the Brain. I’ve been blogging about games since 2008, and I’ve been active in blogging since 2003. In 2021, I finally self-published, after years of setbacks—including being rejected by GURPS. Back then, I went by nik1979 on the SJGames forums. Over time, I realized that the complexity of memorizing all the rules and books, especially with second-by-second combat, was too much for us aging gamers.

The idea for our publishing “company” (we’re not incorporated) came about after seeing the incredible material that people were creating with the Cepheus Engine (CE). CE is easier on the mental load and keeps the focus on the story and engagement without unnecessary details. It allowed me to produce a book with much more ease than before, leading to the creation of our Mneme Variant Combat Rules—part of what we now call the Mneme Product Line. “Mneme” is derived from Mnemosyne (the Muse of Memory) and “Mnemonic,” reflecting our focus on mental models to manage complexity.

In developing these products, I conducted a flowchart analysis to optimize game resolution, streamlining tasks for the Game Master and transferring others to the players. This ensures that the focus stays on the game rather than on cumbersome mechanics.

All our products are released under CC-BY-SA and follow the OGL, promoting open access and control. We’ve created tools like the Mneme World Generator and Mneme Space Combat, which offer detailed and authentic world and star system generation, alongside space combat rules. We also made 3D models of the CE SRD Ships open source, allowing end-users full control. This stems from my frustration as a 3D artist, where I often saw people not receiving the 3D models they paid for. By making these ships open source, we hope to lower the barrier for creating more sophisticated products, shows, books, or TRPGs.

In response to Wizards of the Coast’s attempts to undo the OGL and monetize gamers aggressively, we hope to ensure that spending time with friends and loved ones doesn’t have to break the bank. As outlined in our Mission and Vision, we believe in creating products and services that make it easier for everyone to create their own games and participate in this creative community