Hypothesis of Engaging Details

Hypothesis: That introducing details that serve the narrative in a way that helps us connect with complexity found in society, history, ecology, economy and technology helps us connect to such great and amazing things. We zoom in to the details that allow us to see how something complex works at the simplest level, at a level we can personal engage in, and we can zoom out to see how it all works together as something far greater than us.

That narratives that have logistics and details serve to connect us to greater things. To avoid being disconnected and alienated to technology, society, economy etc… Things are getting more complicated moving forward, we better learn to connect with it or else it becomes harder and harder to connect and understand it.

Now that I have a better working theory of Memory. I think its possible to work into longterm memory more complicated and sophisticated ideas that allow us to be more interconnected.

This is, I guess, where the spiritual-feeling of Science comes from. That as we learn more about the details of what makes up everything we learn the steps that interconnects everything. Knowing the details that allows us to engage with something the more relevant and connected we are that thing and many other things.

When we learn the details that engage and build it into our Long Term memory – the part of our mind that recalls large chunks of knowledge at no thought, we are constantly reminded or the understanding is triggered by experiences and life. A strong positive feedback loop reinforcing our awareness of the world at no thought. It becomes a feeling over time.

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