Old People getting angry at “Milennials”

every one learns differently.
so the sales have low morale. they are fresh grads and get easily frustrated. So I offered to accompany them. This is not the first time I’ve done so. I’ve accompanied them when there was an IT component to the Clients requirement.

There is misunderstanding about “Millennial” and their generation as though the current generation never went through their own adolecent phase and see how all the adults acted when younger people didn’t just do what they were told.

Given the Bribes and Kickback that is natural at work – Ive come to an understanding that people resist for many reasons and young people are resistant for pretty reasonable reasons. Having to worry who is going to ask for a Kick back when we accredit or so many projects are closed door with gate keepers asking for percentages. *

So i spend the time to listen to them and note their concerns and proceed to action – accompanying them, reviewing their work, and helping them with their problem. I’m the IT director and formally the QMR – so its out of scope but Sales is the Front Line – their the scouts and recon, they are the intelligence by which an organization maneuvers its resources.  If they cant close deals we’re fucked.
so I help them and defer some of my duties. We guide them. and most importantly we show WE MAKE TIME.

I dont like ordering people (my style is to request and to make sure what I request is aligned to what the person’s goals are) – my style does not accommodate authority well. But once my team is trained – and they like their role and function – they do everything needed naturally. The style is the style my mentors took with me – accompany me till I get it and learn my role and get a feedback loop going. If people invested time in me, even at the risk I dont pan out – I have to invest my time to people who may not be a sure thing.

Blind authority doesnt help me. I am fallible and business requires intelligence and agility. The ability to improvise comes from learning to think – and taking information and breaking its assumptions up. That includes Blind Authority.

*Another lengthy story of how corruption and conflict of interests happen in B2B – because a person is representing an entire entity and can take advantage of it.

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