Ubuntu Studies Version 2

Updating my Ubuntu Studies.

1) Learn to Partition my Ubuntu Boot Drive into.
This is to be able to backup my boot drive when ubuntu happens to be unstable. Sadly Ubuntu is not as stable as windows 10 in my equipment and set up. Thats not bad but that means lost mandays recovering everything. Isolating the bootdrive makes it easier to recover my Home files when I re-install.   
1.1) Separate Home from the Operating System.
1.2) Separate USR
2) After learning to Partition, learning to Image the OS.
This will make restoring the OS a lot easier. As image backups, I can version them and experiment with them.  
2.1) Experiment making bootable or installable drives with this Image.
2.2) Backing this Image up.
3) Learning to use GRSync
Home being sync with GRSync would make it easier to recover the last group of settings. 
4) Learning to use RAID.
Prevent Data Corruption. Especially when the system crashes and I have to do a hard reboot.
4.1) software raid my external my 2x 2TB drives.
4.2) raid 2x 1TB Drives.
5) Learn to use SMB (samba) to properly network the Shared Folders.
Now that my Files are “hardened” I should be able to access them for use or reference. 
5.1) Learn a Network Attach Storage system like FreeNAS
5.2) Learn to set up this old PC as a NAS.
5.3) Convert this Old desktop into a File Server.
6) Set up the Rasberry Pi as a Router.
Access them outside the House.
6.1) Set up the home VPN.
6.2) Set up the VLANs
7) Set up Remote Desktop.

update to Study: zfs snapshopts.

Probably a little bit beyond what you’re talking about however with the new advent of Ubuntu introducing zfs on root, you might want today look in to using zfs snapshots as one of your methods

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