
I get it. Creative and Intelligent people can dream up a lot of interesting Ideas. Guys who are not as smart or creative, have to drill and drill – PMBOK, BABOK, ISO etc… SRS and handson application until its drilled there that We can just drop everything to do the job with good concentration. Not very creative but able to improvise within a narrow scope during Implementation. Hardwired/Conditioned so that can work under pressure and distractions.
Creatives are like spellcasters who can cast powerful spells but requires a lot of prep and just the right conditions, Non-Creatives have a limited arsenal but can perform it reliably.
Not having the Attention to hold a lot of Ideas in temporary memory – but give us Pen and Paper and we can express all the compressed ideas that we cannot hold n our working memory (but hold it n our long term memory).


You can’t say the KPi are clear if the owner doesn’t believe in them but looking busy is priority. Local optimization – looking busy.

To satisfy the local optimization culture and throughput world is possible but not the best way – a transparent and fair system is great the way credit and money works – belief in the system is what makes it stable.

Being inconsistent counter productive. Rework is explaining yourself.


Confirmation bias tactics – repeat something (factually true or not) until people believe it’s true.

The ethics lies if it really is true, and what does it affect.

Tactics I have to use. Sigh…

I get depressed when the IT lies to me.

"you’re telling me you in a motor cycle in this ungodly traffic is slower than me in a car?" (it is the reality that I car averages 25 mins per km in the traffic while a motor bike gets 10 or less per km).

One of the things about lying is you’re giving a tell. I don’t want to see that tell but I can still detect it

. As I get to know my It more and when there lying I get depressed.  It’s that easy to lie to me. It’s a miss match of values – I’m not going to lie and it’s hard for me to lie so when it’s easy for them to lie I wonder.

I’m not asking for a 180 change.

I’m not going to say they’re lying to their face. I’m just way more skeptical and require greater levels of truth.

Without trust I assume they’re lying as a default.

One of the reasons I’m planning of getting my Rhel system admin  training.


One of the reasons I study is because there are no clear kpi and objectives in our company. Since there is no feedback mechanism if I’m getting better it can be depressing.

Studying (and messing what I didn’t know vs what I now know) AND certification is the only high I get at work.

Politics and firefighting is depressing. Politics is – “they client wants this, well have to make over time for the clients mistake and get no compensation to save the client face” or ” where operation and your support, we make the money and you have to do what we say, even if it violates the best interest of a systematic approach or the long term goals of the company”. That kind of politics.


I was told that learning to pretend to laugh at stupidity to train my body to think it really was funny was sociopathic.

I do it often enough in the day that it works some of the time. But when I get home, I can’t have the will power to pull it off.

Levity makes other people worry less. Most times it doesn’t help to make other people worry.

Cleaning up after other people’s messes (support vs operations) requires a sense of humor. And if you don’t have it – fake it till you make it.


I guess it’s when I was a GM a player would like something I didn’t like – he likes that, that’s the fact – my job is to work with it. If I’m going to try to be the best GM, my likes have a place but I have to balance it with my players.

Give me a good GM who has a lot of wants and when players had different wants – check how he dealt with any wants that wasn’t his own.

If your passion was Game mastering – you’d have “Yes but and Yes and..” as muscle memory. Which to my delight Eli Goldratt pointed out was the Key to making any Plan Work. And In PMBOK and Conflict management – immediately dealing with it was called Confrontation (and that Yes and / Yes But is dealing with it) and considered the best method of dealing with a problem.

So it’s weird being a GM hard wiring some responses and problem solving can make you a good problem solver.


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