Updated TL10 Soldier Outfit and Load Out.

Personals Bag: $75, 4lbs

  • Rugged and Discrete Belt optional bag 1.5lbs $20
  • Rugged and Expensive Multi-tool (includes butane torch-lighter) 0.5lbs $20.
  • Rugged and Expensive multi function knife 0.125lbs $10
  • Snack (could be an energy bar, meal tablet, trail ration etc.) 0.25lbs $1
  • 2 doses of stimulants, tranquilizers, anti-nausea, anti-allergy, anti-diarrhea, paracetamol, pain killers, and daily maintenance drugs 0.125lbs $10
  • Small universal duct tape 0.125 lbs $1
  • Universal pen and stylus neg. $1
  • Rugged Temp-stable drinking flask (400ml, 6.4oz) 1lb. $10
  • Sticky-Page Notebook $2 0.25lbs
  • typically carries: Rugged smart phone and wallet.

Armed Civilian Loud-Out TL9 : $4,940

  • Worn (10lbs): Concealed Ballistic Suit $1,200 8lbs; Clothes 2lbs. Total $1,200

  • Carried (8.2lbs): Collapsible Shield DR30/HP60/OP45, 2.7lbs $400 (Discretely Strapped on Shoulder); ETC Magnum Pistol 15mmCLP (w/ smart gun electronics, Compact Targeting Scope) (Dmg 5dx2+2(2) pi APFSDSDU rounds; Acc3+2 (2, +1 Laser Sight, ); Range 705/7,800; ROF3; Shots9+1; Wt. 3; Bulk-2; Rcl 4; LC3) $1740+75+$1000, 4.5lbs; Basic Personals $5, 1lb.

  • Carry Always (1.2 lb): Rugged Smart Phone (complexity 4) (Small computer, data-pad terminal, and 20-mile small radio) $520 1.2lb.

  • Total 19.4lbs (Light) $4,940

  • DR12/4* (Concealed ballistic suit)

Mil-Grade Combat Expedition Loud-Out TL9 : $48,903

  • Worn (40.4lbs): Expensive Combat Expedition Package (Trauma Maintenance, Desert Environmental Suit, Programmable Camouflage, Infrared Cloaking; Integrated Reflex Armor with LBE) (DR12/4*) $13,600 16lbs; Load Bearing Exo-Skeleton (Cheap and Rugged) (TL9 version of Stealth Exo; Lifting ST+4) (UT182) (DR24) (Programmable Camouflage and Infrared Cloaking) $9,000 (19lbs); Thermo-Optic Camouflage Cloak $4000 4lbs; Survival and First Aid Kit $527 8lbs; Combat Computer and Software $1300 2lbs; Rugged Water Pack (2L, 20hours of extraneous operation, filed with special sports drink solution) (programmable camouflage and infrared cloaking) $650 5lbs; 2 Collapsible Shield DR30/HP60/OP45 $800 5.4lbs; Total $29,877.

  • Combat Computer and Software (2lbs): Hi-cap, Rugged and Hardened Small Computer with Rugged Sleeve Display and Portable Terminal (Complexity 4) $800 2lbs; IFF Comm (p UT188): Complexity 2. $500; Operational Software (p UT188): Complexity 2. $500; Target Tracking Software (p UT149): 1000 targets. Complexity 4 $150; Targeting Software (p UT149): +2 guns. Complexity 4. $150. 2lbs $1,300

  • Survival Kit (5.5lbs): cheap rugged multi-tool (HT26) $50 0.75lb; Additional suit patches (UT188) $10 1lb; Universal Anti-lost Marking Pen $5 0.125lbs; Mini Tool kit (UT82) (5A/10hr) $400 2lbs; Food tablets (2 day, 2000 calories) $10 0.75lbs; Trail Ration (energy bars 2,000 cal) $5 0.5lbs; Duct tape (150m x 5cm) $2, 0.125lbs. Total $482 5.5lbs

  • First Aid Kit (2.5lbs): Rugged Expedition First Aid Container $20 1lb; Foam Moldable Brace $5 0.5lbs; Bandage spray can (UT197) bandage spray can $15 0.5lbs; Antibiotic (+5 to resist bacterial infection) $5 0.125lbs; Pain killers (20 doses; 4hrs) (HT+2 to resist pain; negates pain penalties up to 2) $5 0.125lbs; Stimulant (+2FP per dose; and HT+5 to resist sleep or loss of concentration) (20 doses) $5 0.125lbs; Sleeping Pill (8 hour cycle; grants deep sleeper perk) (20 doses) $5 0.125lbs; Anti-Allergenic patch (20 doses) $10 0.125lbs Total $70 2.5lbs

  • Carried (30.5lbs): Gun Sleeve (Programmable Camouflaged and Infrared Cloaking) (counts as both arm Sleeve) $335 1lb; ETC Storm Carbine 10mmCL (Compact Targeting Scope, Smart Gun, Bipod, and Foldable Stock) (Dmg 6dx3(2)pi-; Acc5+3 (4, +1 laser sight) + (+2 CTS, +1 Targeting Software); Range 2000/6,300; ROF10(+1 to hit); Shots50+1; Wt 9.2; Bulk-6; Rcl 3; LC2) $3,700+$1,000 10.2lbs; 25mm Underbarrel Grenade Launcher (Dmg6dx3+18(10) cr inc + linked 2d cr ex [1d+1]; Acc5+2 (4, +1 Laser Sight, +2 CTS); Range 360/2,200; ROF1; Shots3; Wt. 1.5; Rcl 2; LC3) +$300 1.5lbs; ETC Magnum Pistol 15mmCLP (w/ smart gun electronics,) (Dmg 5dx2+2(2) pi APFSDSDU rounds; Acc3 (2, +1 Laser Sight); Range 705/7,800; ROF3; Shots9+1; Wt. 3; Bulk-2; Rcl 4; LC3) $1740+75, 4lbs. Total $8,545

  • Ammo Load (14lbs): 2 Pairs of Mags (APFSDSDU; 50 shots each mag) (total rounds 200) $940 (4.7lbs each); x4 Hand Grenades $320 4lbs; 25mm Shaped Charged Grenades Magazine $135 0.6lbs. Total $1395

  • Carry Always (1.2 lb): Rugged Smart Phone (complexity 4) (Small computer, data-pad terminal, and 10-mile small radio) $520 1.2lb.

  • Total $31,792, 71.7 / 78.4lbs (Light Load for ST10+4); Move 4

  • DR: General Area 12/4* (Ballistic); Head 18/12

Armed Civilian Loud-Out : $4,535

  • Worn (10lbs): Concealed Ballistic Suit $1,200 8lbs; Clothes 2lbs. Total $1,200

  • Carried (8.2lbs): Collapsible Shield DR30/HP60/OP45, 2.7lbs $400 (Discretely Strapped on Shoulder); ETK Magnum Pistol 15mmCLP (w/ smart gun electronics and Compact Targeting Scope) (Dmg 7dx2+2(2) pi- APFSDSDU rounds; Acc3 (2, +1 Laser Sight, +2 CTS); Range 705/7,800; ROF3; Shots9+1; Wt. 3; Bulk-2; Rcl 4; LC3) $1740+$75+$1000, 4.5lbs. Basic Personals $5,1lb.

  • Carry Always (1.2 lb): Rugged Smart Phone (complexity 4) (Small computer, data-pad terminal, and 20-mile small radio) $520 1.2lb.

  • Total 19.4lbs (Light) $4535

  • DR18/6* (Concealed ballistic suit)

Mil-Grade Combat Expedition Loud-Out TL10 : $57,122

  • Worn (40.4lbs): Expensive Combat Expedition Package (Trauma Maintenance, Expedition Capability, Programmable Camouflage, Infrared Cloaking Sealed Tactical Suit) (DR30/15*) $26,000 18lbs; Stealth Exo-Skeleton (Cheap and Rugged) (UT182) (DR24) (Programmable Camouflage and Infrared Cloaking) $13,000 (19lbs); Multi-Spec Camouflage Cloak $6000 4lbs; Survival and First Aid Kit $527 8lbs; Combat Computer and Software $1600 2lbs; Rugged Water Pack (2L, 40hours of extraneous operation, filed with special sports drink solution) (programmable camouflage and infrared cloaking) $650 5lbs; 2 Collapsible Shield DR30/HP60/OP45 $800 5.4lbs; Total $48,577.

  • Combat Computer and Software (2lbs): Rugged and Hardened Small Computer with Rugged Sleeve Display and Portable Terminal (Complexity 6) $600 2lbs; Silhouette (p UT149): Complexity 5, 2 PB. $200. IFF Comm (p UT188): Complexity 2. $500. Target Tracking Software (p UT149): 1000 targets. Complexity 4, 1 PB. $150. Targetting Software (p UT149): +2 guns. Complexity 4. $150. 2lbs $1,600

  • Survival Kit (5.5lbs): cheap rugged multi-tool (HT26) $50 0.75lb; Additional suit patches (UT188) $10 1lb; Universal Anti-lost Marking Pen $5 0.125lbs; Mini Tool kit (UT82) (5A/10hr) $400 2lbs; Food tablets (2 day, 2000 calories) $10 0.75lbs; Trail Ration (energy bars 2,000 cal) $5 0.5lbs; Duct tape (150m x 5cm) $2, 0.125lbs. Total $482 5.5lbs

  • First Aid Kit (2.5lbs): Rugged Expedition First Aid Container $20 1lb; Foam Moldable Brace $5 0.5lbs; Bandage spray can (UT197) bandage spray can $15 0.5lbs; Antibiotic (+5 to resist bacterial infection) $5 0.125lbs; Pain killers (20 doses; 4hrs) (HT+2 to resist pain; negates pain penalties up to 2) $5 0.125lbs; Stimulant (+2FP per dose; and HT+5 to resist sleep or loss of concentration) (20 doses) $5 0.125lbs; Sleeping Pill (8 hour cycle; grants deep sleeper perk) (20 doses) $5 0.125lbs; Anti-Allergenic patch (20 doses) $10 0.125lbs Total $70 2.5lbs

  • Carried (31lbs): Gun Sleeve (Programmable Camouflaged and Infrared Cloaking) (counts as both arm Sleeve) $335 1lb; (ETK Storm Carbine 10mmCL (Compact Targeting Scope, Smart Gun, Bipod, and Foldable Stock) (Dmg 4dx6(2)pi- or 8d(5) imp inc + linked 1d-2 ex cr [1d-2]; Acc6+4 (4, +1 ETK, +1 laser sight) + (+2 CTS, +2 Targeting Software); Range 1400/4,300; ROF10(+1 to hit); Shots50+1; Wt 9.2; Bulk-6; Rcl 3; LC2) $3,700+$1,000 10.2lbs; 25mm Underbarrel Grenade Launcher (Dmg6dx3+18(10) cr inc + linked 2d cr ex [1d+1]; Acc5+2 (4, +1 Laser Sight, +2 CTS); Range 360/2,200; ROF1; Shots3; Wt. 1.5; Rcl 2; LC3) +$300 1.5lbs; ETK Magnum Pistol 15mmCLP (w/ smart gun electronics,) (Dmg 7dx2+2(2) pi- APFSDSDU rounds; Acc3 (2, +1 Laser Sight); Range 705/7,800; ROF3; Shots9+1; Wt. 3; Bulk-2; Rcl 4; LC3) $1740+75, 4lbs. Total $8,545

  • Ammo Load (14lbs): 2 Pairs of Mags (HEMP and APFSDSDU; 50 shots each mag) (total rounds 200) $728 (4.7lbs each); x4 Hand Grenades $320 4lbs; 25mm Shaped Charged Grenades Magazine $135 0.6lbs. Total $1185

  • Carry Always (1.2 lb): Rugged Smart Phone (complexity 4) (Small computer, data-pad terminal, and 20-mile small radio) $520 1.2lb.

  • Total $57,122; 71.7 / 78.4lbs (Light Load for ST10+4); Move 4

  • DR: General Area 30/15* (Tacsuit); Head 27/18

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