Ship Building Update – World Builder outline.

 progress update for an ORBITAL shipbuilding system: there needs to have some WORLDS to launch from and land into. Ill make this a Small paid booklet for Feb or March 2022. It will come with Blender Files for the Planet Building and Spreadsheets for speedy creation. 

Once the World Builder is set up – I can go back to the ships because the Star Ports and the Infra will depend on the Worlds. From TL6 Ports to TL8 Ports that’s about probably 200 years of human tech development. I’ll just throw in the world builder free with the Ship Builder Book. 

Tentative Outline

  1. Step 1- Roll World Type 2d6 (Column) and Mass 2d6 (Row)

    1. Around 7-8 different types worlds.

      1. Gas Giant

      2. Asteroid Group

      3. Ice Planet

      4. Terrestrial Planet. Assumes 0.1 earth masses, 

        1. Ocean Planet

        2. Dense Atmosphere Planet 

        3. Terrestrial Planet

        4. Note that Radius and Gravity will be determined after. The Planet Types (Density) + Mass determine a range of Radius and thus Gravity.

  2. Step 3- Roll Habitability relative to humans.

    1. roll 2d6 but check a table for habitability; gas giants are not included in this roll. 

    2. World Types – a table of the habitable planets

    3. Rows indicate level of habitability. 

      1. First is the Habitable Zone. 0-5 is outlier of the habitable zone. 5+ is In the Habitable Zone. Some planets like Iceworlds cannot be in the habitable zone. 

      2. This really measures the biosphere and will determine the Placement.

    4. These can be 2-4 pages, each holding 2-3 columns.

  3. Step 4 (2 rolls)Roll for Stars. Classification 4d6-4 (0-20). Roll for Magnitude (Brightness). 

    1. Type,  Stellar classification – Wikipedia spectral type (OB-AFGK-M). 0 for OB, and 20 for KM. 1-19 is spread out proportionally equally. 

    2. Mass

    3. and Absolute magnitude – Wikipedia

    4. Tables of Outcomes. Class, Mass,

    5. For Calculation: Magnitude (Energy Output determining the Habitable Zone, Snow Line).

  4. Step 5 – Roll for additional Major Points of Interest.

    1. the Mass of the Star determines how many points key points. With dwarf planets and planetoids barely being detected. Basically what TL7 and TL8 Sensors can detect jumping into this system. 

    2. The closer to the median the more points of interest. 

  5. Step 6. Rolling the other Worlds based on Point of Interest.  

    1. You get a different table for World Type because this is not focused on habitability and being within the goldilocks zone. Circumstellar habitable zone – Wikipedia 

  6. Step 7:  People Universal World Profile – Traveller 

    1. Special infra Like Outposts, HQ, etc… (adds a TL 9 outpost)

    2. Roll Technology Level. TL5+ (TL 5.1-9.2)

      1. TL6 + (5d6/7 rounded) 

    3. Roll Starport. 

    4. Roll Population

    5. Roll Gov’t and Law level.

    6. Roll Economic Factors: Resources and Condition (Developing, Emerging, and Developed Status).

Drawbacks and Problems that will hopefully be Tackled in the Future.
  1. More Accurate Planetary Description.
    1. Planet’s Age, History, and Notable aspects.
  2. Sector and Subsector TABLE. Stars are the common population of a Sector or Subsector, the Promiximty of a Sector to a Dark-matter, Giant/Hyperstar, Black hole, etc… all influence a sector and would be great world-building – but unnecessary.
  3. City/Community Builder is needed. Additional Details.
  4. Ideally, a Blender Workflow to make Planets Procedurally

Spreadsheets and Blender files is a weird add on to TRPG books. It assumes the GM can use it or knows someone (freelancer or player) who can use it to make more detailed materials. The spreadsheet though if it can make the process faster is always good. If the GM just opens the sheet and can start making Content with it, that’s great for the GM and the Game.

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