Year: 2023
the 2-Parsecs from Sol add on to Mneme World Generator is out.
Its been out since Thursday Night. Its usable and I will be improving it, and preparing a bunch of things to…
Lessons Learned: Editing and Proofing 2-Parsec
Shape Flow Charts will be redone. We wont be using the Shapes with a lot of text inside in the…
Social Status per world as compared to per society
In the Cepheus Engine SOC (social stat), it can be attributed to either charisma, clout, or social station. In my…
Discussions with the AI. as I use Chat GPT and learning the many many ways I can use it and process information.
== Remember when you used to Google something before answering, and it became muscle memory? Now, imagine running queries through…
Income per Day, as analysis of Overhead to get Output Costs
So I need to create a table of how much it costs for a certain amount of unskilled and skilled…
Game in the Brain Feb Performance
My delays in finishing 2-Parsec is killing my visibility. I know, of course I get sick, I have social obligations,…
Status update: 2-Parsec will have Mneme Variant Equipment and musings of Wealth across Eras
I am currently working on Mneme Variant Equipment, a set of mechanics I had to make because I wanted equipment…
Update: More Delays – Equipment and Stat Problems. Templates and Budgets
Problem Statement: The equipment in the statistic blocks (Stat blocks) are too BULKY in the layout and Messy. Its also…
Sky’s End by Niccolo Salonga
If you follow this Blog, you will know Niccolo Salonga as the Artist of Game in the Brain. He finally…
Game in the Brain Feb Sales 2023
Update: 1) I quit my Chinese and Work ANKI drills which occupied at least 7-20 hours a week – inevitably…
Master PDF Editor for Bookmarking PDFs that appear in Adobe Acrobat Reader and Gnome Doc Viewer
So Fantastic Heroes and Witchery is the game our GM Bob is running. Its free to Download in their website…
Is what unites us is Jason Flynn Kemp’s Cepheus Engine Compatibility-Statement License?
Basically, as I’m learning more about ORC and CC I’m realizing CSL’s role in making a MARKET – the CE…
Mneme variant 1000usd is 1 credit
TLDR: Getting the audience Used to 1000usd = 1 Cr is drawing from my developing world background – where the…
AI futures in Mneme Setting.
NGO AI One day a group of altruistic Gamer Lawyers and Developers will create a set of Open Corporate goals…
Follow up Update of Mneme – from Ship modeling back to 2-Parsec
All Will be CC-BYwhy back to 2-Parsec. I had major issues with the star map. I had to correct it…
Some improvements – you can choose your star by inputting 5-30 in the stats. ORIGINAL ROLL STAR CHANGED BUT SAME…
2023 Jan Sales report Update
Nicco is finished with the first Draft of Ships: 50dton Armed Cutter 100dton Courier 200dton FreeTrader and Variants. We…
Animation of Tethers orbiting a Gas Giant.
Tether animation Only Explanation and Animation. This uses the files from Mneme World Generator Simple Animation assuming the gas giant is…
Ask a Planetary Physicist – Discussion with Pecier
Discussion with Pecier Decriedo (of the Mind Museum) He showed a Hohmman Transfer spreadsheet. Given a particular Distance from a…
What will be Creative Commons, what will be this new Deauthorizing OGL 1.2 Lets check the SRD Not Included: Page 1-55 Races to Classes. CC 56-104 Beyond 1st Level to Spellcasting Not…
Brighter stars and Chthonian Worlds – reshaping our Image of space
Generating a Circumstellar Disk in the Brightest and Largest stars – would probably have orders of magnitude equal to…
Updates Jan 17 2023 for Mneme
Why the delay? Many edits and criticisms in my head Seth Skarkowsky would expect as the bare minimum. I’ve…
My stand on OGL I’m a stakeholder as GameintheBrain uses OGL 1.0a for Mneme. I’ve watched and followed most of…
While I edit the 2-Parsecs from Sol, nicco is working on the Blender Ship Builder Template File
We have made an Adventure Template. A standardized way to present System Information based on Lessons learned from other systems…
Open Game Compatibility. Symbols to say These products are compatible. trying to make a Logo for OPEN Sci-Fi Table top RPG Compatible. The next step is all the OGL to…
Impact of Migrating from OGL 1.0a to Creative Commons
While Ryan Dancey says Hasbro Cannot Deauthorize OGL reviewing the analysis of The Rules Lawyer I don’t that is true. And that’s…
The stats of missiles – volume and amount per dton
Notes They dont need fins because there is no atmosphere. They need maneuvering thrusters, typically with leverage to the…
Ship to Model and Convert to a Space Ship Equivalent: French Submarine Cruiser Surcouf from Miguel Alfonsos Post. I’ll save this here – stuff to model – convert it into a space ship…
Expanse Combat Inspiration – for Mneme.
Mneme Space Combat is trying to make it that a GM can run these kinds of combat. Point Defense Rotary…