Milestones – Grateful for Any patronage


Currently 23 people bought it (as of August 4). Ive some milestones. 

  1.  I had planned on 20 I will start on the second part of Blender file usage, Exporting to a 2D map on youtube. As well as asking if people want us to show how to detail the 2D map. 2 weeks from now, target August 20. 
  2. On 50, Youtube Video of using Mneme World Generator along. side so that I can detailing the worlds Watch me prepare the Solar System Details for running a game in Nearspace. I will share the System Stats and the Planet

  3. On 100, Video of Detailing the Planets using the tools for a Near-Space adventure. I will use Orbital 2100 and Mneme Variant Combat Rules. Edit: plus modeling the ships and scenes. 
  4. On 200, Delta V Map Creation? A simple spreadsheet to create Delta-V calculations given the distances. (Break Even for me). 
  5. On 500, poll for those who are interested – what kind of Hard Scifi Tools do you need next?

    Do you want Nicco and I to make Hard Scifi Ships and Orbiters (orbiters is the term for the ships that escapes orbit or lands like  the SpaceX starship, Lockheed X33 etc… ? We plan to release all the models and ships for kitbashing along with a spreadsheet to quickly generate ships in a few minutes and youtube tutorials of just making ships and Scifi Scenes. (this would pay for Nicco to have an upgrade from is I5-2018 laptop to a Desktop Replacement PC OR a Drawing Pad. ) 

What we want out of our “Publishing” is the following:
1) GMs and Artists and Players can get the material to Detail their World – with stats and 3d Models or Art. 

2) They have access to Hard Scifi material they can BUILD on, or take what they enjoy or like for their own games. 
3) That there will be a Lot of ART. GMs and Players can easily create scenes for their games. So much art that it gets easier to explain the science.

Nicco and I are currently Training OJTs Blender and FreeCAD and hopefully hire them if they like modeling (OJTs are currently Civil, Electrical, EC, M Engineers for their 240-500 hour internship We hope that as we get better in training and sharing our Blender capabilities that there are more options to get for people to make more elaborate projects. 

I don’t know what people want. I’m guess with our product and hoping its what I think it is. I’m using my pain points as a GM with very little time but who loves hard scifi is my guide.  

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