Luzon Enhanced Community Quarantine Notes

TIL that the Essentials Goods lists DTI memorandum 20-08 has been expanded, 20-16 and 20-06 have been updated.

DTI’s list of Advisories

ADVISORY: DTI issues MC 20-16: Allowing Other Essential Business Activities, Modifying for the Purpose MC No. 20-08, s.2020
ADVISORY: DTI issues MC 20-15: Extension of Operating Hours for Retail Establishments Authorized to Operate During the Enhanced Community QuarantineADVISORY: DTI issues MC 20-14: Ensuring Enhanced Operations for BPO Companies and Export Enterprises, and their Service Providers, throughout the Extended ECQADVISORY: Updates on IATF-IDs (electronic ID exempted)ADVISORY: Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2020-02, s.2020: Guidelines on the Operations and Incentives of Covered Enterprises Engaged in the Manufacture, Importation, and Distribution of Certain Products, and for other Purposes, Pursuant to Republic Act No. 11469, otherwise known as “Bayanihan to Heal as One Act.”ADVISORY: DTI issues Memorandum Circular 20-12: Guidelines on the Concessions on Residential Rents; Commercial Rents of MSMEsADVISORY: DTI issues Memorandum Circular 20-11: Prescribing Guidelines for Additional Business Activities Allowed to Operate to Ensure the Steady Supply of Basic Necessities and Essential Commodities, Supplementing MC 20-08, s.2020ADVISORY: DTI issues Memorandum Circular 20-10: Supplemental Anti-Hoarding and Anti-Panic Buying Directive:ADVISORY: DTI issues MC 20-08 Ensuring Unhampered Movement of Cargo and Transit of Personnel of Business Establishments Allowed to Operate During the Enhanced Community Quarantine of Luzon, amending for this purpose MC No.20-06ADVISORY: DTI issues Memorandum Circular 20-09: “Pagpapahalaga sa mga Senior Citizens”on Price Freeze Under a State of Calamity throughout the Philippines due to COVID-19ADVISORY: MC No. 20-07 Anti-Hoarding and Anti-Panic Buying

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DTI memorandum 20-08

DTI memorandum 20-16

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