Update: Pull, Dropbox, GSUITES, RNG, and CCNA

  1. Pull Based System
  2. Closing my Dropbox. 
  3. (Trying to) Migrate to GSUITES (gameinthebrain)
  4. Obsessing about RNG in Google Sheets
  5. CCNA Reboot

Pull Based System. 

I’ve become more aware of myself Buying Stuff I dont need. This becomes more obvious when I have a routine and they become predictive. As I document my routine it becomes even more apparent I’m never going to use this. 


I bought a Lenovo Tab 4, this was supposed to be for all the Times I wanted to read my Books but wanted it it with me, but instead of me reading more or opportunistically it became my default Drilling and Study app for my son.

The Pull need of reading my Books wasnt really -real. A real need. Its just my Book buying Urges from a previous life.

Its still a convenience, so now my Son uses it instead of my Phone to catch up in his Duolingo and Khan Academy.

I have urges of Convenience, a Second Computer for the house, which I really dont have time for because I’m supposed to go asleep as soon as I come from work. In the morning I’m supposed to focus on Studying and Exercise so I can quickly go to work.  

Closing my Dropbox

I dont really use it anymore. So I’m downloading my 700GB and storing it in a HDD. I’m trying to migrate the Office into GSUITES. Dropbox has some issues, particularly its Sync and Update Time. You have to go out of your way to find out if it Updated or not, vs Having a GSUITE – Google Sheet system its easier to create Monitoring Systems there. 
Problem is that its more Internet Dependent and I need to upgrade the Network Cabling and the 3Com Switches that are 10 years old. 

Migrating to Gsuites

I feel I need to migrate my GMAIL and Google life into a GSUITES account. In theory it makes sense: It has more features and security, but I’ll be paying 600php/10usd a month for it. But it will replace my Dropbox – but unlike Dropbox my Docs are ready to use. 
There are many flaws to this line of thought and I dont know what they are until I try. 

Obsessing about Random Number Generator in Google Sheets. 

I can’t write about RPGS until I can generate Randomize Content. I want to make a simple Script that allows me to generate Random Values that will correnspond to tables. Everytime I want to writing about RPGs, my circular reasoning goes back to: Cmon create a world from those ideas. But how Can I if I dont have to manually roll up everything? HOw can I use my Proceedural World Generation if I can’t take it for a spin. 
So far I’ve gotten to datarange script that allows the system to identify an array of data and then figure out where the Input is going to appear. Writing Data has been the challenge. I have the script that Identifies the data, i dont fully understand how it works. 

CCNA reboot. 

The CCNA Training I had needs to be consolidated. It was many rushed trainings. I need to set aside a Weekly Schedule for just CCNA. I have to create an Outline of What I’m going to study and drills. 
I need to write down all my Questions. Like all the specs I see in a Switch or Router, what does these all mean – specifically. Do they matter and don’t they? 

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