Standardize Activities = It begins with Documentation.

My favorite Lesson is PMP is that no matter how complex a process is it boils down to Accessible Records where Data can be Transformed into Standardized Activities. Every Problem Encountered becomes a Risk, Every STEP of the Instruction is a Necessary Prerequiste. Aggregating all these Tasks creates that Probability and Contingency system that creates processes reach 2 to 6 sigmas of Control-ability.

Log Definition 

Particulary Records, Journals, Notes, and Minutes. Basically Documentation. Not just any Documentation – but Documentation that Records Activities and Events.

Logs that deal with Activities are also known as Activity logs, Task Lists, Scope of Works, and Bill of Works.

One and a half Years of Worklogs

I first started doing a Worklog with Nick in 2016 at around his last 4-5 months before he left, but with Harold in 2017 as soon as he Joined us. We’ve been Doing it for Almost a Whole Year and naturally its becoming more complicated and nuanced.

I had to break it up when it became 500 pages, – simply Hyperlinking the Old one to the New one. I plan to Break it up every 200-300 pages.

While doing this I was studying – from Lean Startups, Law (Philipppine Corporate Code), Business Analysis (BABOK), PMBOK, BPM, CompTIA A+, etc…

What is so special about these types of Records is when they Record 2 Key Things: 

1) What is Planned, Expected, Intended or Anticipated
2) and What Actually Happened

Our Current Work Log is pretty much made up of these kind of Records – What we Intended or Planned and What Actually happened. And guess what – 99% is not what we Intended… at first.  That is the strange nature of Documentation and Being able to Review your Intend against the Consequences in an Accessible Medium.

What are Critical Aspects are the following: 

1) To document the Start and End of an Activity or Event.
2)  To be able to Aggregate all similar Events for Side By Side.

I admit this is harder than it looks, but having written it simply it becomes a Simple Objective that can be broken down into smaller actionable tasks and systems.

All but so very Few of our Documentation Does not Do this

These two factors means rewriting and engineering all our documentation because if it Meets these criteria the Learning Curve is Exponentially powerful. Transforming our Work Documentation to do this creates a feedback mechanism that in most companies are YEARLY becomes Daily. I’m tempted to Say INSTANTANEOUS – but it feels like that when you Business Plan and Company Management shifts to the Feedback loop of Yearly to Daily. 
When they talk about Documentation This is one Critical Thing they fail to mention is Accessibility. 

Accessibility Metric is Work (manhours) 

If it takes 2minutes to 60minutes to review and format the Documentation, Records, or Data then its Accessible. But in Any time it takes manhours to process and arrange and review that Data then its Accessibility should be = to the Manhours.

Measure it, from the Time to Clean up the Data up to the Time it takes to Present it to Others and Plan the next Action. DATA’s Accessibility needs to be part of the over all system design. I noticed that there are Mandays of Delay just to Access the data, and Man Weeks of Preparing it.

The simple correction of making each ACtivity or Event = End to End, Accessible, and with Plan and Actual is mind bogglingly powerful. The Documentation for the Week is the Documentation that will tell you the work for Every Week. The documentation for a Year will tell you every day of the year.

Risk Management in PMP

Every Interruption or Problem is a RISK moving forward, every event as part of the Problem can be predictive when the same problem happens. My favorite part of the PMP training is that it gives me Structure to RISK which has a Recursive nature allows me to standardize and make it into a Skill that has a Tangible and Measurable Output.

Basically its not Jumping at Shadows, its the equivalent of Emergency Response Training that I get to use and practice regularly. When I employ it – its just so valuable because its so rare to see such a range of skills and level headedness. 

It all Boils down to documentation as a simple skill of making Task or Checklists – evolving to become something incredibly complex, sophisticated, valuable, and useful.

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