Year: 2018
Update: Studies – book buy and 2 for 1 sale, and Rasberry Pi
Studies Currently Reading: a Different take on Project Management. I notice I’m thinking about Definitions and Testable Criteria more listening…
With More Skill, more Debt.
With the Title I wanted to Emphasize the Negative Aspects that are overlooked by most people when they promote education.…
Update: Pull, Dropbox, GSUITES, RNG, and CCNA
Pull Based System Closing my Dropbox. (Trying to) Migrate to GSUITES (gameinthebrain) Obsessing about RNG in Google Sheets CCNA Reboot…
Trying to to Study Google App script: Random Numbers.
that took forever to figure out: how to generate a random number CUT BELOW // creates the definition for getRndNumber…
Memory for the rest of the Day has a -1 to -3 penalty to Form.
first time to get good sleep (7.5 hours) according to fitbit since Nov 4. Whats strange is that my Chinese…
Sleep Logistics. Having my Son Tutored. Crazy about Google Apps Script.
Now that my son has a tutor (3-4pm) I can now sleep at 8pm and wake up at 5am. I…
Using the Lenovo Tab 4 10.1″ as a Second Monitor for My Laptop
Used Splashtop WiredXDisplay to Have a Second Screen First get the Free Version https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.splashtop.xdisplay.wired.free&hl=en Turn on Debugging Mode. First turn…
181028 Update and Backlog.
These are the Backlog of Articles I have accumulated because I’ve been sick and its taking me double the time…
Explaining what Happens when you Cut-in-line in Production at a Frequency Greater than Average Processing Time
Letter I drafted Needing to Explain some key concepts in manufacturing. If you’re in Manufacturing I’d like some feedback. =======…
Managers who do Not Manage: NAGGERS
Why Nagging is not leadership of Management. If you had to nag, then you know what 8D, DMAIC, Analysis, or…
Dillemma of Developing World striving for Developed World Abilities
i’ve read a lot about management books and stories of how other businesses are run. One of the things I’ve…
Most Corrections are Not acts of Brilliance, which makes all more inexcusable to perform them.
Most Corrections (80/20 rule) are Not acts of Brilliance, which makes all more inexcusable to not perform any Correction. In…
Clients as an Excuse to avoid Management Responsibilities
I’ve seen Clients as an excuse to avoid management Responsibilities. Management as defined as: Process optimization and development, Monitoring of…
Hi Guys I’m migrating to mewe.com/i/justin.aquino
Hi Guys I’m migrating to mewe.com/i/justin.aquino I’m hedging my bets with Plusplora [email protected]
Chinese Studies Update, Cisco Update. Sharex Desktop recorder
Chinese Studies Update September 22 2018 to October 1 2018 is 9 days from Today. Thats 17 words at 10,000k…
Update, out of Practice.
Update that I’m so out of practice I’ve forgotten most of the things I usually carry around in my head…
Gaming the Risk Management System
Management is responsible for correcting and changing procedure as well as preventing problems (called preventive action). If you accept the…
PMBOK is like the Prestige Class of Getting Things Done
EFFECTIVE STRATEGIES IN EXPLOITING OPPORTUNITIES In PBOK there is this Chapter on Effective Strategies for Exploiting opportunities. Basically if you’ve…
3-5 Background Apps a Year. Phone Problems. Abstract Ideas are Emotional
phone problems. monitoring systems eat a lot of CPU and slows down the phone. From notifications, to Fitbit, to Google…
Recent Finished Books – Valuation, Sprint, and Sales Development
Current Study Books I’ve Recently Finished. Aswath Damodoran – Little Book of Valuations 5/5 Jake Knapp – Sprint 4/5 The Sales Development…
Entrepreneurship vs Operations Management. 2018-08-22
You can specialize in either High Uncertainty and Low Data, vs High Data (and thus Analysis) and more Coordination and…
RANTS INTO Constructive Discussion – I need your Feedback
When I’m alone in the car I talk to myself and record it. I cannot be alone with my thoughts…
Losing 3-5 hours to TRAFFIC is the Reality in the next 20 years
I see national bookstore mercury and others dabbling in the delivery model or the small store model. The Philippine Traffic…
My Finite Capacity
I’ve documented a lot of projects, of them 3.5 were GANTTed in a particular level of Detail. This was the…
Studies Update – the Sales Development Playbook by Trish Bertuzzi.
16-12-21 Justin Studies Audible Bought Pompeii by Robert Harris and Forging Hephaestus by Drew Haves in a 2 for 1…
Theory of Constraint’s Focus on Flow
Local Optimums. Short term gains can that sabotages your long term goals. An in production the Long Term goal is…
Feeling My Age – Its not Catharsis its Banishing Demons.
My memory is really bad these days. I feel like i’ve done everything before but can’t remember how. Need to log…
Standardize Activities = It begins with Documentation.
My favorite Lesson is PMP is that no matter how complex a process is it boils down to Accessible Records…
Actions and Plans
All below are of Reasonable Possibility You can try to steer an organization, or Improve a process, but the odds…