Year: 2017
so according to Pleco I’m at ~400 words learned. I’m not at the 600 word benchmark but a lot has…
Studies and work update
At chapter 8 of 12 of the PMBOK PMP study guide, 478 words, probably 8 grammar rules, wrote about 15,000…
Monitoring first
to validate if we created processes correctly it reminds me of birds regurgitating food to chicks. We predigest it for…
Gaming and Productivity
Have you ever used someone else’ combo? Someone’s technique as to make your current technique look like shit? That’s my…
Product Development Dept and Process Trainer
Product Development and Process Trainer. Two roles that are important in a Production Company when they Go Lean and are…
Perfect is the Enemy of Good or Progress.
Looking for feedback to improve this thesis. Any project of a man-week scale typically has too little resources or too…
Mechanics, Criteria, and Methodology.
Give me a model, a set of criteria, or a sequence of steps to follow. If its relevant to my…
Skill Template
My Skills Template I notice I’ve been improving my awareness of my skills and how I cultivate, improve on and…
Finished Appendix N by Jeffro Johnson
A great read 5/5. And I need to sched a sit down reread it: 1) for the jeffro criteria of…
Setting up Processing Space; Simplifying Life
5S is pretty much setting up a process space. The requirements of a process space are: Accessibility. Everything you need…
Complexity and Details; Bad Benchmarks
In the last Post I talked about how I use The 20 Rules of Formulating Knowledge as a criteria for…
Just bought the ISO 9001:2015
It cost around 166CHF (which is supposed to be swiss franks), or 7,500php or around 150usd. Reasons I had to…
ISO 9001:2015 Risk Mangement “Loophole” : Absence of Evidence does not Mean Evidence of Absence.
In ISO Risk (see Preventative Actions) is something that has not happened while Problems (see Corrective Actions) are something that…
Finding Constraints, Work Bibliography, Metrics far removed from Causes, Fix as we Go
Finding Constraints chapter 6: Finding Constraints is the most detail I’ve read on looking for bottlenecks. And it begins with…
Home Inventory Management
Upfront Honesty 1) I should have been doing this earlier in my life. Its embarrassingly basic, at the same time…
How I use the 20rffk to evaluate RPG books.
The 20 rules of formulating knowledge violates its own rules. I’m spoiling for anyone who hasn’t read this and removing…
When the line of my Characters and me blur
So I’m a min maxer, also known as a munchkin, and the goal of looking for the optimal character combination…
Since updates can derail me. I only do updates when i have nothing else to do. And since I can…
Common Good System: Information Management
Propaganda and Misinformation takes effort and manpower. writing garbage and propagating it takes effort and its been automated. The thing…
Just got back from SG around 1am today.
DAMN its expensive there: like near Japan Expensive. Safe-Expensive-(Logistically)Easy Travelling vs Cheap-Dangerous-(Logistically)Hard Travelling lolz. Taiwan is Cheaper than SG and…
Knowledge gets easier to keep, we build over it more frameworks
the implication of needing to only test for a piece of knowledge 1 in 10 days means in a week…
Studying Authors’ Writing Style
I need to create a good method of researching an Author’s writing style. here is my draft process: Google/Search Author’s…
Lean Personal Ops Life Skill
So SMART criteria and 5S are one of those conditioned skills that I find I’m using a lot more. SMART…
Evolution of my Chinese Studies
Personal Studies evolve. Because of changing circumstance, new information, trial and error, and personal life changes. So many better habits…
So many wrong things with Nagging
I hate Random, Sporadic, Follow up methodology of getting tasks done AKA THE NAGGING METHOD. It tends to make people…
Learning Skills, particularly New Skills.
Learning a New Skill: Key Metrics Document what you do/Do what you document – and adapt to changing conditions, and…
Pleco scoring is 100 is default, doubles even correct answer -40% every incorrect answer the score determines how many days…
Main Statement + Optional Clarification requires Goodfaith or Steelman
Sunday, 14 May, 2017 12:20:41 PM PHT main statement + Optional Clarification requires goodfaith or steelman Because its easy to…
30*2^1/X days habit conditioning.
My Guess and attempt to model conditioning curves. So if we are fully engaged in a habit 7/7 days a…
I draw from 1.5 hours of passive thinking for 1 hour of writing.
I’ve always assumed that the 300-400 words per hour composition is an oversimplification. That we draw from a lot of…