Exercise Routine

This is an exercise routine that uses soldier Physical Fitness Exams as benchmarks. It emphasizes strength and endurance so that in Airsoft Game conditions one can have the best performance.
Exercise Routine

Lower back stretching

35 sec intervals,10 transition
  1. Sitting toe touch
  2. Deep glutes stretch one side
  3. Deep glutes stretch other side
  4. Lying Torso twist one side
  5. Lying Torso twist other side
  6. Shell stretch
  7. Cobra stretch
  8. Sitting hamstring stretch bend over one side
  9. Sitting hamstring stretch bend over one side
  10. Sitting Torso twist one side
  11. Sitting Torso twist other side
  12. Standing touch toes with chin tuck
  13. Cats stretches
  14. Sitting split stretch forward touching
  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CbZzeO4P9YA

Soldier Strength Routine

This routine is to get to meet the army or marine physical exam.
  1. Pull ups 2mins as many as possible
    1. 3 (Marine min)
    2. 20 (Marine max scored)
    3. Special Notes:
      1. A fast pullup is 1.6 seconds.
      2. 15 needed to progress to 1 arm pull up
      3. Flex-Arm hang
      4. Reverse Pull up
      5. Aided Pull up
  2. 7min rest.
    1. 5 min rest
    2. 2 min rest
    3. Special Notes
      1. Cap rest time to keep total time low
  3. Push-ups 2mins as many as possible
    1. 16 straight (army min)
    2. 70 straight (army best)
    3. Special Notes
      1. One Armed Pushups
      2. 70 pushups straight helps
      3. A fast push-up is about 1.2 seconds.
      4. Bowman’s Puships or Assymetric Pushup
      5. Wall Pushup
  4. 7min rest
    1. 5 min rest
    2. 2 min rest
  5. Sit-ups 2mins
    1. 26 (army min)
    2. 78 (army best)
    3. 100 (marine max scored)
  6. Dead-lift (TBD)
    1. Special Notes
      1. 10lbs weights are 6usd (300php) in Landmark
  7. Run 30mins
    1. Run 3.2km (Army min)
    2. Run 4.8km (Marine min)
    3. Run 8km (Ranger min and Marine max)
    4. Run with 15lbs rig (Crossfit or Murphy’s challenge)
    5. Run with 20lbs rig (Crossfit or Murphy’s challenge)

Special Notes
  • Crossfit Plate Carriers specially designed for this costs 300usd in philippines without the plates. Plate value TBD.
  • Other Plate carries maybe used, prices range from 70-200usd.
  • Its possible for it to be custom built in Quiapo (Manang Lumings) as long as you have 500-1000D nylon fabric, webbing, and specifications. nylon fabric costs 5-20usd per yard.  

High Intensity Interval Training

30 second intervals, 10 second breaks.
8mins total
  1. Jumping Jacks
  2. Wall Sit
  3. Pushups
  4. Situps
  5. Step-ups
  6. Chair Dips
  7. Planks
  8. Squat Jumps
  9. Push-up Rotation
  10. Side Plank (½ each side)
  11. High Knee running
  12. Pull ups
  13. Deadlifts
  14. Lunges

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