Fri Aug 05 08:14:51 2016
#TIR #meetings I’m guessing this is the same as the toolbox meetings. that the barriers for having TRPGs run with more than 4-5 people are the same barriers with meetings of people. That when there are more people the interaction per person will be severely limited when we consider the time. Its better to pre-arrange all the data for agreeing to it. Its also better to keep old ideas that were entertained so it is not brought up again, while keeping why it was voted out of the discussion.
That when meeting as a group – the checks are:
1) Information Symmetry. that everyone knows the context. Filling people in takes a lot of time and wastes the time of others. Everyone comes in mostly knowing everything (since we cannot anticipate anything).
2) Decisions vs Distractions. that they decide since everyone knows. Aguments that take less than 2 mins may be addressed but if there are more, then we spend the two minutes Ideating and Listing down all the arguments to be tackled Offline, in another time. But that Becomes a prerequeisite and a next action of those involved.
3) Testable. All discussion in the meeting is Testable against the Problem, Goals, and Objectives. That issues need to be properly phrased, the problem properly and clearly addressed, and people can agree that it addresses all their concerns and all those part of it. Because the Answer stems and contexts from the framing of the issue or problem. The test of progress is comparing it to our Objectives and Goals. Remember we can clarify as we go.
4) That people have clear actions and goals. That we phrase every Item in Actionable (#nextaction, or #nxtaxn for short), #FYI, #reference, etc… Avoiding talking around the problem, Analysis paralysis. As a test every 2-5 mins should end with an Action/#nextaction or an Issue to clarify or address. If its information to inform the decision then its added. We try not to distract from the decision and try to get to the descision as fast as possible.
5) Scarce Meeting. Meetings are a very Time Consuming and Requires a lot of coordination. Because of that we should only have them for the most important aspects like getting Conscesus, Accepting Responsibility for the nextactions.
6) Avoid Task Clutter and Accumulation. Scarcity of Tasks and Duties. We do not just add more and more things to do, the actions proposed must consider doing something that meets existing needs and the new agreed upon tasks.
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