Adding Yogurt to my Diet, Protien Shake Alternative

You may have heard that yogurt is “healthier”, I’m curious why.

Simplified: Yogurt converts the Lactos Glucous into Lactic Acid. Thats pretty much it. It should have less “sugars” or “carbs” than milk otherwise the composition is pretty much the same. Now I’ve seen the google pull up of yogurt having as much as 18% protein vs milk’s 8%.

Well where did it get all that protein? The “Pro Biotics” could not have made that out  of nothing? One simple explanation can be found in the detailed reading of Yogurt: many makers add milk solids. a common milk solid is Milk Powder into the the yogurt. From such calculation they add enough milk powder to make 8% into 18%.

If Milk Powder is 10% the weight of Milk (which means milk is 90% water), then 100ml of Milk has an 10g of milk powder of 8g of protein then how much do I need to add to get 18%. 10g of milk powder could only add 8g of protein, that would put about 12.5g of milk powder adding 10g of protein. Why 18% thats 125g of milk powder for every 1L of Milk. So the yogurt was made with a lot of milk powder, milk powder can sweeten when there is enough of it, but with the Lacto Bacili this is negated.

Cost of Milk Powder  I’m using 0.4php per gram.

Why dont I just chug away on milk powder if the powder of 10g is 80% protein? Oh yeah: the Lactos Sugars and me being Asian.

Now “regular” yogurt (not Fortified +120% more milk powder) works to around 0.08php per gram of milk. Thats about 250g or 20php of milk would give me 20g.

Fortified 1L of milk by adding 130g of milk powder increases the cost of the milk from 80php to 140php. So 1L of milk will have 80g of protein, with the 130g of milk powder of 104g of protein. Thats 184g of protein in 1L of yogurt. The yogurt is now 1.13kg and 282ml serving would have about 46g of protein.

It works out at 0.12php per gram of fortified yogurt. Thats about 0.66php per gram of protein vs chicken at 2php per gram of protein (200php per 500g of chicken meat; 0.4php per gram of meat).

If I can make 4L a week thats about 640php with a sum of 736g of protein.
I will need to Invest in hermetic glass storage jars  (350-800php each last I remember) that can hold 1L plus, I recommend getting they styro cooler to “ferment” the milk by keeping it warm with hot water and leaving it overnight 10-20 hours. White Board Marker to mark the dates on the Jars and to finish them quickly, within the week.

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