Progress update of Traveller SRD, Character sheet Draft

Draft of the Traveller Character Sheet I made. Its meant to be folded as a Booklet (spine on the left side). Inside is the basic rules. 
Progress: Pretty much need a day (6 hours) to finish the Careers. then another day to polish up the skills and equipment. Hopefully I can do it on sunday. 
The Traveller SRD only has the Scout. So I have to make up everything else. As a bit of a fan of economics, I wanted to make my own professions inspired by my studies. Particularly the concept of Frontier, Emerging, and Developing market and making these ideas more accessible in a game perspective.
In the system you will notice the Frontiersmen, these are the first people to start work on developing the region or resource. They are first if you don’t count the Bio-Tech firms that are sending gene-gineered organisms to kick start the planet or gas giant. 
I’d like to draw particular attention to Homesteaders, which are defined by their self sufficiency. They may be mining or farming (bio-tech material) or a strange combination of both. They are the first developers of the region and are the seeds for a market. They are usually contracted with special rights given the risks they will work with. They are very well trained for the hazards, isolation, and vulnerabilities. They are in essence Colonists, but I want to give the impression that these guys are well armed and incredibly independent. I particularly chose Homesteaders from the way the Norse were homesteaders when they were not raiding. 
The Explorers and the Scouts are similar to those found in the Traveller setting. I won’t go much into that. 
Next is the Migrants: the Rogues, Workers, and Criminals. These are the next wave who arrive in Frontier and Developing markets, or they migrate towards developed markes. They also move back and forth and where markets are calling for them. In light of the refugee crisis and the negative perception of immigrants, its one of the things I’d like to explore in the game. 
The Civilian comes after the Migrants. They are those who come or arise when the market has become well developed. These are the Specialized services that make up a lot of internal consumption that allows an economy to grow and diversify. Civilians are much more specialized, I planed to allow them greater level of specialization: higher skill level but less skills. I also want to emphasize that in a highly specialized and diversified economy social skills are a must to lower the cost of transaction. 
After the Civilian is the Agency. I had a problem writing this because I want to move away from the Mongoose version of Agent. I want to emphasize the difference with civilians is that Agents rely on the Patronage of their Organization or Gov’t. While Civilians tend to be part of smaller and more diverse and independent organizations, Agents are those who have powers and status from their massive and complex organization. Because of that they have greater Social Status, and are almost a State into themselves (and sometimes they are a State). There are Support, Specialists, and Executives. Executives are pretty Special project managers granted special powers to execute a particular task. Specialists range from Enforcers, Intelligence, Security, and Trade specialists. 
Finally the Military. Which follows much of the same ideas Sci-fi. 

Roll 2d6


3rd largest group

largest group (or second largest group)

second largest group

An exclusive group, and status based. 

  • Basic Skills
    • Spacer
    • Survival
    • Mechanical
    • Medic
    • Comm
    • Gun
      Combat (Any-)
  • Specialization
    • Homesteader
    • Explorer
    • Scout
  • Basic Skills
    • Survival (Specify)
    • Spacer
    • Streetwise
    • Deception
    • Trade (Specify)
    • Trade (Specify)
  • Migrant Specializations
    • Worker
    • Rogue
    • Criminal

  • Basic Skills
    • Trade Skill (Specify) 2
    • Survival (City)
    • Carousing (Networking)
    • Stewardship (Customer Service)
    • Social Status Perk
  • Civilian Specializations
    • Administration
    • Art
    • Bio-Tech
    • Computers
    • Finance
    • Legal
    • Manufacturing
    • Media
    • Medical
  • Basic Skills
    • Trade Skill (Specify) 2
    • Carousing (Networking)
    • Stewardship (Customer Service) 
    • Social Status Perk 2
  • Agency Specializations
    • Support
    • Specialist
    • Executive
  • Basic
    • Athletics
    • Gun Combat
    • Survival (Wilderness)
    • Stealth
    • Powered Suit
  • Specialist
    • Support
    • Mobile
    • Armor
    • Officer
Navy (Gov’t)

  • Basic Skills
    • Spacer
    • Powered Suit
    • Gun Combat
    • Mechanic
    • Piloting
    • Comm
    • Sensors
  • Specialist
    • Comms
    • Nav
    • Sensors
    • Fighter
    • Support
    • Engineering
    • Officer

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