Updates: Need to listen to a Ton of Audio Recordings and Much Prep

Hi everyone,
Currently doing some basic prep work and Data and RL house keeping.
So I have about 12 hours of audio to listen too. I hope I can speed it up to x2 in VLC to bring it down to just 6 hours. I have about 6 hours of One Shot Sessions I’ve downloaded from youtube on Call of Cthuluh games I’m doing for research on Disempowerment games (Tabletop Gaming with Juce, Captain Grothnog, and Duhad).

Sadly this is not data I can listen to while multi-tasking, I really have to find 10 hours in the next few weeks to listen to this and take notes. 

I have some serious problems that need addressing and cutting into my writing and gaming time. Which kinda sucks since I invested in Mentor level in Roll20 and every weekend I’m not using it is money wasted.

Currently down from a Cold, the wife and I must have gotten when we had to spend 6 hours in the hospital waiting for her doctor. (I wish the doctor could be better in setting schedules as not to expose us to the hospital over such a long period given that I have a lower  than average HT, especially when it comes to disease resistance rolls).

Burned out from work, and with so many things on my plate.

I think I will have to push a lot of my gaming to next year. With airsoft and basic fitness being a priority, and the need for me to  seriously find time for my mandarin studies I need to cut back a bit. at least till I reach Level 3 mandarin (conversational and able to read in mandarin).

Well here is hoping I figure out how to make it all happen while doing all this and doing well at work.

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