Small Wars Manual – Marching; Combat Leader’s Field Guide – Load Outs

In the Small Wars Manual, in Chapter 4 we have the March.

The March 6-38 to 6-40
  • A small breakfast served at dawn, animals fed and watered, camp broken, packs assembled and loaded, and the march begun as soon as daylight begins.
  • It begins slowly, the first halt happening 45mins after beginning and lasts 15mins. This first halt is to check all equipment for security and an opportunity to fix any problems.
  • After the first halt of 15mins, which marks the first hour of marching, march continues at 50min intervals resting 10minutes between intervals.
  • Night Marches (6-99-b) half the rate of day marches. By half the rate, what is meant is that at half the effort. This is described as an “easy walk”.
In Combat Leader’s Field Guide
  • Soldier’s Load p.52. A soldier can carry up to 30% of body weight before serious penalties to agility, stamina, and alterness. Given the average soldier FIT weight of 160lbs, this would be 48lbs. This 30% is also known as the Combat Load.
  • Approach march Load is equal to 45% of the soldier’s FIT body weight. This is also 50% heavier than the soldier’s combat load. For a 160lb soldier this is 72lbs.
  • Emergency Approach Marches are loads where the soldier needs to bring most of his logistics with him. These are weights greater than 72lbs, at about 120-150lbs carried for several days for distances up to 20km a day!
  • Load Management p. 52 basically a long list of conservative and vigilant awareness of fatigue and conditions of soldiers and their equipment. A lot of careful observation and awareness of how they are doing and adjustment or rest to prevent exhaustion.
  • Foot March by Day p.54, 4 kilometers/hour
  • Foot march by Night p.54, 3.2 Kph.

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